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Please don't vote Tory

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Bizarre. You are torn between two parties with diametrically opposed ideas? How, Why? And why won't you vote labour? The party of the National Minimum Wage, tax credits and the 50% tax on ultra high earners?



You are considering the tories...no NMW, no tax credits to encourage people back to work, cuts in public services, massive VAT rises..? Why????


Name me one thing the tories will do to improve your life.


People shouldn't need to be encouraged to work with tax credits. People should have the self respect to work without government handouts. There wasn't tax credits before 1997 and people still went to work and managed. If the Lib Dems get in and set the tax threshold at £10,000 there will be no need for tax credits at all.

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People shouldn't need to be encouraged to work with tax credits. People should have the self respect to work without government handouts. There wasn't tax credits before 1997 and people still went to work and managed. If the Lib Dems get in and set the tax threshold at £10,000 there will be no need for tax credits at all.


Quite right. The only reason tax credits were invented was because the differential between claiming benefits and working was so low that it became better to be on the dole. Tax credits (working tax credits not child tax credits) were in effect a subsidy for the low paid. I used to get tax credits. Bizarre land. I actually worked for a govt department that paid such low wages that they had to be topped up with tax credits.



But it's still better than having to work for £2 an hour under the tories!

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I say vote Labour.


Not because I think they deserve to win, but because I'm a vindictive so and so.


Within a year the dererred crisis will be back, and I want Crash Gordon to have to face up to the mess he helped create.


(Unlike many, I don't go along with the idea that McStalin can claim credit for all the positives and blame everything negative on America.)

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Bizarre. You are torn between two parties with diametrically opposed ideas? How, Why? And why won't you vote labour? The party of the National Minimum Wage, tax credits and the 50% tax on ultra high earners?



You are considering the tories...no NMW, no tax credits to encourage people back to work, cuts in public services, massive VAT rises..? Why????


Name me one thing the tories will do to improve your life.


Move into number 10.

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