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Please don't vote Tory

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anyone under about 40 should ask someone older 'grandad, what's it like to live in sheffield under a tory government in a recession?' and then vote as they see fit.

being old enough to remember what it's like, I will choke back the vomit and vote for the corrupt, war mongering scuzzers of the labour party cos they are less likely to put me on the dole, slash my child's education and close the hospital services i use. If I was in line for a massive inheritence or independently rich, I would vote tory.

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Look, I know things haven't panned out the way you wanted, but let's not throw the baby at the glass house here.


I know you really want to stick it to Labour. Ooh they make you so mad don't they!!!!! Look at the angry little look on your funny little face!!!! "Grrrr" doesn't even begin to describe it, does it!! It makes you want to stamp your feet like an irked gerbil. It makes you want to spit in a chav's mouth.


Look, the truth is you are wonderful and you should know that and the Tories aren't good enough for you. You deserve so much better than that coterie of scroterie.


Please don't vote Tory. I just want the best for you. Look at how unhappy I am at the prospect of you voting Tory - :(


Just don't OK or I will get very VERY angry. Have you seen me angry? It looks something like this - :rant:. That's right, I go all red and open and close my mouth really fast. Is that what you want? Cos it's gonna happen.


VOTE TORY - get labour out ALL !!!!!:hihi::hihi:

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anyone under about 40 should ask someone older 'grandad, what's it like to live in sheffield under a tory government in a recession?' and then vote as they see fit.


Or more importantly what were the consequences of backing ex-communists and a Marxists against the democratically elected capitalist government of the time :huh:


The increase in conservative voter share, post miners’ strike is testament to the countries feelings on the subject. Those who went on strike, lost.


The inheritance tax change is nothing more than gesture politics to appease the few. I would prefer a government that looked to address the big issues rather than trying to buy off sections of the population with yet more useless legislation.

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Or more importantly what were the consequences of backing ex-communists and a Marxists against the democratically elected capitalist government of the time :huh:


The increase in conservative voter share, post miners’ strike is testament to the countries feelings on the subject. Those who went on strike, lost.

The problem was that trade unions were being run by people with a political agenda and not for the members, Scargill being a prime example.


At their height the conservatives still governed on a minority share of the vote.

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The problem was that trade unions were being run by people with a political agenda and not for the members, Scargill being a prime example.


Thats very true and nothing has changed. These people are unelected and unacountable but still have a huge amount of influance over the entire nation.


At their height the conservatives still governed on a minority share of the vote.


Thatcher 1983 - 42.4% of the vote.

Blair 1997 - 43.2% of the vote.


There hasn’t been a majority (voter share) government in the UK since before WWII.


The last party that secured more than 50% of the vote was the Conservatives back in 1931 with 55%. This didn’t however equate to a conservative Prime Minister as there was a national government which is a complicated part of our political history to say the least.

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