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Should all dog owners be made to carry clean up kits?

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I don't know of any city in the world that has totally dealt with the problem of dogs urinating and defecating along city streets. It's maybe best to fine people who do not pick up after their dog rather than fine them for not having the means to clear up, but in either case who has the resources to enforce laws against the anti-social antics of certain dog owners?


My idea would be to licence dogs on a yearly basis and make them wear a collar tag so we can see who paid. This would change with the year and could be easily identified at a distance using a wireless chip reader. Use the licence fee to provide plastic bag stations, dog parks, and to train the police and traffic wardens to write tickets for non-compliance. The reason I like this idea is that fewer of my taxes would go to supplying services to dog owners to clear up after their pets and to make the city dog-friendly. I'd only apply the tax to non-working dogs. I'd give the elderly exemption for one dog.


We tax smokers, so why not dog owners?

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Being a dog owner myself I think sheffield council should make it compulsary for all dog walkers to carry clean up kits and anyone found walking a dog without one should be fined £100.




you mean a poo bag............i always carry one

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In answer to the question, no.


Then you'd be discriminating against dog owners. Cats and horses are worse, cats come and do it in your garden and horses leave their stuff all over the road.


Nonsense. Cat sh*t is utterly vile, but cats aren't like dogs and go anywhere, independently of their owners.


Horse manure is completely benign, doesn't smell unpleasant and has no associated health risks. It makes great fertiliser.

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