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Drivers face ban for drinking a pint

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They should reduce it to zero.




That's bound to get some drink drivers gnashing their teeth.

The zero level might be a tricky one because I think I've read somewhere that the body can naturally produce alcohol in small quantities under certain circumstances.
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Good. Make it zero. Plus, any driver caught driving on a mobile phone gets the phone confiscated, no questions. Uninsured drivers have their car scrapped and a 5 year ban. More cameras everywhere, every traffic light, zebra crossing, cycle lane. Life bans for killer drivers. Start clamping down on our lawless roads, deal out some proper, harsh sentences and get these twits off the roads.

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Good. Make it zero.

They can't. Although I'm for people not drinking at all when they're going to be driving, apparently there can be a trace of alcohol in the system even if you've not had anything to drink (no idea how that works but I've seen it somewhere!)



Plus, any driver caught driving on a mobile phone gets the phone confiscated, no questions.

Yes but they'd buy a new one! They're pretty cheap these days.


Uninsured drivers have their car scrapped and a 5 year ban.

Confiscated, fair enough. But why scrap a car if it can be sold and the money kept by the state? Environmentally better and more lucrative, surely?


Ban, fair enough. But if they never bothered with legalities the first time around then will they pay attention to a ban?


More cameras everywhere, every traffic light, zebra crossing, cycle lane. Life bans for killer drivers.

If they kill through negligence, perhaps. But if it's a genuine accident/unavoidable then no.


Start clamping down on our lawless roads, deal out some proper, harsh sentences and get these twits off the roads.


Harsh sentencing I don't have a problem with, but I think the sentences need to be a deterrent and some of your ideas above wouldn't alter the behaviour of some of the people they would target.

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