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Drivers face ban for drinking a pint

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The experience from speed cameras is that as well as reducing accidents and saving lives they money raised through fines is hypothecated so can only be spent on road safety. They are better than self-funding. ANPR cameras could work just as well, get idiots off the roads and raise money to make the roads safer, what's not to like?


Here's a funny thought, there are fewer cyclist commuters in this country (1m) than there are uninsured cars (1.4m).


So, even if every single cyclist is a crazed lycra-nazi, they are still outnumbered by the uninsured, untaxed invisible cars that cost the rest of us £500 million a year in insurance pay outs.


I understand what your say in this post, but your post I was originally replying to would only make taxes high and the problems would not go away and no matter what your argument, it will not solve the problems.


The amount of people who don't want a 'ask before you even breathe society' out numbers the amount of irresponsible poeple who are not insured or drink drive!


The Government don't want us all to not drink drive, be fully insured etc...they want us to do criminal things & cause crashes because they earn money from it!! Sad but it's true! And, yes it's costs in Policing and NHS etc...but if the Gov really wanted everyone to behave on the roads they would've already brought a tough level of laws out.

The current laws are slack but what do you get with laws: rebellion. Therefore you will never stop the problem and the only thing you can is to educate.

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Good grief. How do the government earn money from RTAs?


Perhaps you should look into the whole area's you've talked about. Research things like DVLA costs and HMCS costs etc...And all the other things that go back to the Government finance depts pockets.


And, they are called RTC's nowadays ;-)

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