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Drivers face ban for drinking a pint

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Yes, they do, on their car. You can't call your insurance company and say "Cancel the car insurance, I'm cycling today!"


Besides, any cyclists who pays to join the LCC or CTC gets Thirsd Party Insurance included, or they'll have 3rd party liability covered with their home insurance policy.


You're posting silly made-up myths.


Now who is being silly.


My 12 year old has a bike. She can ride on the road. Does she have a car. No.


To ride a cycle on the road you do not need to be insured.


What don't you understand.

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Now who is being silly.


My 12 year old has a bike. She can ride on the road. Does she have a car. No.


To ride a cycle on the road you do not need to be insured.


What don't you understand.


But that's not what you said.


You said "Cyclists don't have insurance".


You're wrong.


Deal with it.

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It's a ridiculous idea, if anything the alcohol limit should be raised to about 3 pints to help save country pubs which are going to the wall.


No-one causes an accident because they've enjoyed a couple of leisurely pints with a meal, the people who cause accidents are those who've had 7 or 8 who never take any notice of the law anyway.


Thank god we're voting this bunch of crooks out so it won't become law anyway.

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No-one causes an accident because they've enjoyed a couple of leisurely pints with a meal,


It was not until 10 days later, when Mari saw roadside signs announcing there had been a fatal accident and appealing for witnesses, that he finally contacted his solicitor and was arrested.


He also admitted drinking two pints of beer and a glass of red wine on the night of the crash though an expert said he was probably within the legal limit at the time of the crash.


Despite his not guilty plea Mari was convicted of causing death by dangerous driving.




Two pints:





Patrick Thompson, defending, said Cartlidge had drunk two pints. He said: "It is a tragedy which should never have happened. The defendant will have to live with this for the rest of his life. He feels tremendous shame."


Mr Ridge has left behind two children, Stephen, aged 35, and Jane Heath, aged 36, and four grandchildren, Jonathan, aged 12, Andrew, aged 10, Jennifer, aged five, and 18-month-old Daniel.




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More inventions.


Britain has fallen well down the European league table on road safety, despite being on course to meet its own targets for 2010, according to figures released by the Department for Transport.


A decade ago Britain had the best road safety record in Europe. By 2006 it had fallen to fifth place behind Malta, Sweden, Switzerland and Norway. Even Germany and France, countries where the road death rate was traditionally much higher, have almost caught up with Britain.




The UK has a dreadful rate of child deaths on the roads, it's a national disgrace.


The countries with the lowest rate of child casualties tend to have more speed reduction measures, light-controlled crossings and play areas. Another significant factor is poverty. The estimated injury rate for child pedestrians is four times higher in the most deprived area than the least deprived.




but not South Yorkshire it seems,

Published 6 April, 2010

For the first time ever since South Yorkshire-wide figures began, last year no children were killed on South Yorkshire roads.



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It was not until 10 days later, when Mari saw roadside signs announcing there had been a fatal accident and appealing for witnesses, that he finally contacted his solicitor and was arrested.


He also admitted drinking two pints of beer and a glass of red wine on the night of the crash though an expert said he was probably within the legal limit at the time of the crash.


Despite his not guilty plea Mari was convicted of causing death by dangerous driving.




Two pints:




Irrelevant. You can just as easily cause death by dangerous driving when you're sober.

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Irrelevant. You can just as easily cause death by dangerous driving when you're sober.



It's not a question of whether you are legally intoxicated, it's a question of whether or not it is safe to drive when you have consumed any amount of alcohol. Research shows that impairment begins long before a person reaches the blood alcohol concentration level of .08.

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It's a ridiculous idea, if anything the alcohol limit should be raised to about 3 pints to help save country pubs which are going to the wall.


No-one causes an accident because they've enjoyed a couple of leisurely pints with a meal, the people who cause accidents are those who've had 7 or 8 who never take any notice of the law anyway.


Thank god we're voting this bunch of crooks out so it won't become law anyway.


Good god, I agree with you.


Drink drivers aren't people who have a responsible amount and remain under the limit. They are the idiots who have a skinful and then believe they can drive home.


This law wouldn't make any difference at all.

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The legal limit for driving is 80mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood. There is no fail-safe guide as to how much you can drink and stay under the limit. Any alcohol, even a small drink will impair driving ability and the only safe course is not to drink any alcohol prior to driving.


Effects on driving ability


Alcohol is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, this affects the brain and impairs driving ability. The following lists the major changes that occur to the human body as a result of alcohol consumption.


At blood alcohol level 20-50mg/ml


Inability to see or locate moving lights correctly. Problems in judging distances. Tendency to take risks.


At blood alcohol level 50-80mg/ml


Impaired judgement of distances. Impaired adaptability of eyes to changing light conditions. Impaired sensitivity to red lights. Severe impairment of ability to react and of concentration.


At blood alcohol level 80-120mg/ml


Euphoria setting in - overestimation of one's own abilities. Impairment of peripheral vision. Increased impairment of eyes' reaction to light and dark. Impaired perception of obstacles and deterioration of ability to assess dimensions.


At blood alcohol level 120-140mg/ml


Beginning of complete unfitness to drive. Serious impairment of concentration and vision. Very delayed and impaired reactions. Major orientation problems.




The limit must be lowered. It is absurd that you can legally drive on the roads with your driving impaired to that degree.

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