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Putting a story down on paper


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Im looking for some help with a story i need putting down on paper. For reasos i cant go into openly i cant do this myself but in a nutshell im trying to right several injustices but need my and others experiences writing down.

I dont have a lot of spare cash but if you can do it tell me your price and ill see if its within my means.

Ta :)

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You really don’t give us much to go on.

(im trying to right several injustices)

I take it you mean ‘write several injustices’, and not right the wrong.


(my and others experiences writing down)

By others, do you mean other peoples experiences? Is this some legal matter?

You really must clarify or give us more. :confused:

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Sorry for the poor wording.

Im trying to correct several injustices and i need all my and my families experiences writing down and putting in some sort of chronological (sp) order of events. The reason i cant do it myself is quite simply my health cant take it. Its so incredibly stressful to relive the experiences that putting them down on paper (or typing them) makes my chest hurt and i gasp for breath.

The purpose of this is to highlight whats happend to us and when its all down on paper ill be sending it to every newspaper in the land in the hope they publish whats happened to us and i dare say whats happening to many families every day.

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Hi Mikmouse.

Well that clarifies things a bit. You say…


The reason i cant do it myself is quite simply my health cant take it. Its so incredibly stressful to relive the experiences that putting them down on paper (or typing them) makes my chest hurt and i gasp for breath.


At some point you are going to have to dictate your experiences to a writer, so my suggestion would be ‘voice recognition software’. There are plenty on the market and reasonably priced. This may give you an idea...




and this gives you some facts…




Hope you find this helpful.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Mikmouse, I don't know if you have found anyone yet to help you write your story but if not then if you would like to contact me I may be able to help. I am new to this group and this is my first post so a bit of an intro too. My particular interests are personal stories and experiences, I am qualified in psychology and counselling and this enables me to listen in a way that is supportive of personal experience but I am unable to offer counselling in that particular role obviously, I can put people in contact with further support though if I feel it is appropriate.

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