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How important is a persons looks to you?


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I'm talking partner/spouse here.


Is physical attraction that important in making a new relationship?

I suppose that the first thing that we notice about somebody is the way they look, not only facially but also the way they dress tells us something about the type of person they are.


Would you immediately dismiss somebody as a potential partner because they weren't physically attractive or would you get to know them better first.


What happens to a relationship based mostly on physical attraction when the looks/body starts to go as they invariably do to some degree especially after having babies. What happens if your stunningly beautiful girlfriend is disfigured in some way?


Can we honestly put hand on heart and say that looks don't matter?

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The main thing I go for is personality but there has to be a bit of physical attraction.


I suppose it depends on the circumstances of how you meet etc. When I was younger I'd go and chat to someone based on their looks (club/pub/etc) but now I'm grown up I prefer to get to know someone and have a good chat. Usually I've met someone through my circle of friends which is good as you can keep socialising without it being a "date".


I'm much more interested that someone has a sense of humour and is up for a laugh rather than they look like a catwalk model but have the personality of a lump of tripe ;).


I've been out with a few model types when I was younger and they were incredibly dull and shallow (not saying ALL models are!).


At the end of the day its important that you can have a laugh and have a stimulating conversation with your partner IMO. In long term relationships your partner should be your best friend, you need to be able to share your troubles and experiences.


Rant over :)

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I spent most of my 'dating' life doing the looks first. Many of my boyfriends were admired by other girls though they were not what I would call sickeningly gorgeous.


They all ended in disaster. Then I met my current hubby over the internet. Didn't see a picture of him before I fell in love with him, and when I did I have to say I was shocked!!

He wasn't my 'normal type' infact completely the opposite, but after the hell I had been through I wondered if that was the point


We are now coming up on our third wedding anniversay so something must be right for me to have married him - and vice versa.


I think looks help, but they are most definately not the defining requirements for a succesful relationship.



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Looks seem to get people's attention, but personally, I don't think looks are everything. I once went out with a guy named Mark who was a real stunner, but his personality was rubbish! He knew he was good looking, he had the "I'm so good" attitude and everything! Needless to say, we didn't last long!


Intelligence and personality impress me. If a guy can show me that he knows a lot, but can also be very down to earth, he'll get my attention. Only one guy has ever shown me that so far, his name is Chris and we've been together over a year!!!!! :) :)


If someone was to go for me just for my looks they'd be gutted when they see me first thing in a morning!!!!! :D

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I have been with married for almost 24 years now i,m 44 and my wifes 42 and she is more attractive now then she was when i met her.

That may sound like i,m saying she was'nt attractive at 17, of course thats not true but i love her more now than ever.

There is of course a fear that your partner may end up looking like her mother but thank god thats not happened in my case.

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