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How important is a persons looks to you?


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its all about the X-factor.


you can be overwhelmingly attracted to someone and find them really sexy and charming without realising they are not conventionally great looking. and on the flip side you can date a really sterotypically good looking person and not fancy them -even if they are intelligent and funny too. its just the way it goes.

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I always think that to start with it has to be looks. If there were two people stood next to each other, one good looking one and one minger, you would talk to the good looking one first (good looking to you).


I do think that in the same way you can sometimes see if someone has a 'positive' personality just if they're laughing and joking, because none of us (I hope) has ever been attracted to anyone who just looks a miserable chuff have we?

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Hey, i started reading this post thinking that despite being ugly there may still be a chance of me not being single for the rest of my life...


because none of us (I hope) has ever been attracted to anyone who just looks a miserable chuff have we?

However, as im generally a 'miserable chuff' about being single, it seems that i probably will be single forever. Now thats just more reason to be miserable!


Oh, well, :(

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I think we are taught (by society ... adverts etc) ... that looks are a lot more important than they actually are.


It's the feelings you have inside that count ... and apart from anything else ... a lot of good looking people are up their own bums with self importance ... which i think is a real tradgedy.

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Jethro dude.


I was listening to some psychologist on the Jo Whiley show a couple of weeks ago and she was talking about body language, she said the people who have the most success with the opposite sex are the ones who are smiling the most!!!


She also mentioned walking into places of social interaction and saying 'hi' to everyone you walk past, any who say 'hi' back has noticed you, which can only be a good thing!!!

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I wanted to quote a few of you with ' good looking people being up their own bums' and the 'X-Factor' (which I totally agree with), what a witty lot you all are. :nod:


Just wanna mention caprice's 'If a guy can show me that he knows a lot'.... you mean about life / people? as opposed to 'things'???? I hope so.:thumbsup:

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Have to agree with you about the smiling jayjay03 :bigsmile:


People are like animals / dogs !!.


When dogs are happy and wag their tails and smile (they practically smile with their whole body) ... they get a positive response from other doggies (maybe not from the mean doggies).


Just one thing chaps. If you decide to 'wag your tail' in public, I am not responsible for the concequences OK :shocked:

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