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What is it that makes the BNP a "racist" party?

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And before you read on, please note this isn't trying to promote them in any way!! I'm just genuinely curious. :confused: Being 17 (18 this year), I'll be able to vote next year, and I want to know a little bit more about politics. (As it stands, I'm very much in favour of the Lib Dems) but I really want to know why so many people believe the BNP is a racist group. Noseying around on their website, their policies on immigration seem much less extreme than I've seen/heard people make them out to be.[link removed]


PS: Before anyone gets angry - this isn't meant to be offensive, either!

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you don't need to believe it, they are by law and by definition, a racist party.


up until recently (when they were forced by law to change) you could only be a member if you were white (racist by any criteria).


they believe in repatriation (paying to 'send people home' - possibly even second and third generation families - ie: people who were born here, and consider themselves English).


they believe in separation of the races and cultures - ie: no inter community marriages or relationships, and certainly no sharing of other cultures food, dialect, celebrations etc.


if you want more obscure policy, they claim that the likes of Ashley Cole, Rio Ferdinand, Emile Heskey or any non white player, shouldn't play for England, as they aren't really English (this sued to be displayed, stated policy, but i cant see it any more).


they were an offshoot of the national front, who were and still are a violent group of separatist racists.


and that's without mentioning their stance on religion, which is pretty fundamental, if not racist, per say.


whatever guff they print in terms of policy on education, military etc, they are a single issue, race hate party.


but i support to the death, anybodies right to vote for them - something they wouldn't support themselves, being technically a fascist party.

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And before you read on, please note this isn't trying to promote them in any way!! I'm just genuinely curious. :confused: Being 17 (18 this year), I'll be able to vote next year, and I want to know a little bit more about politics. (As it stands, I'm very much in favour of the Lib Dems) but I really want to know why so many people believe the BNP is a racist group. Noseying around on their website, their policies on immigration seem much less extreme than I've seen/heard people make them out to be. [link removed]


PS: Before anyone gets angry - this isn't meant to be offensive, either!


Hello Juicy Lucy..welcome to the world of voting! Your question is a sensible one, because superficially the BNP seem to address certain issues that concern Joe Public, but that's the benefit of being a fringe party, you can play to the gallery because your policies are unlikely to ever be tested and dont have to be workable..I guess I'd attract some interest if I started a party that promised to give everyone in the country a million pounds if I was elected!


But to answer your question, this is the part of their constitution that suggests they're a racist organisation:


"(b) The British National Party stands for the preservation of the national and ethnic

character of the British people and is wholly opposed to any form of racial

integration between British and non-European peoples. It is therefore committed

to stemming and reversing the tide of non-white immigration and to restoring, by

legal changes, negotiation and consent, the overwhelmingly white makeup of the

British population that existed in Britain prior to 1948."


You'll often hear BNP members saying this would never happen under a BNP government, but I believe if it had no resonance with their members they would remove it.

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What law and deffinition would that be?


I imagine that the law he's thinking of is the one that forced them to change their constitution, against their own wishes, so that non-white people were not automatically disbarred from joining.


The definition of racism is, in effect, "favouring one group over another." The BNP strongly favours "white native Britons" over other groups - despite the practical impossibility of identying white native Britons as an ethnic group - and therefore, by definition, are racist.

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I imagine that the law he's thinking of is the one that forced them to change their constitution, against their own wishes, so that non-white people were not automatically disbarred from joining.


The definition of racism is, in effect, "favouring one group over another." The BNP strongly favours "white native Britons" over other groups - despite the practical impossibility of identying white native Britons as an ethnic group - and therefore, by definition, are racist.


Thanks for clearing that up.


So what you are saying is that by law and definition the BNP are no longer a racist party. Good of you to point that out to moke.

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Thanks for clearing that up.


So what you are saying is that by law and definition the BNP are no longer a racist party.



By law, they've been proven to be a racist party. That's why the law had to be invoked.


And since they do still favour one group over others, they are still a racist party by definition, even though they no longer have a racist recruitment policy.

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Thanks for clearing that up.


So what you are saying is that by law and definition the BNP are no longer a racist party. Good of you to point that out to moke.


Wasn't the BNP's leader convicted of a racist crime?

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By law, they've been proven to be a racist party. That's why the law had to be invoked.


And since they do still favour one group over others, they are still a racist party by definition, even though they no longer have a racist recruitment policy.


If they are a racist party that would be against the law and one of the more liberal parties will be able to have them shut down, and they will not have their nominations accepted for the General Election... except that they have.

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