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What is it that makes the BNP a "racist" party?

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If they are a racist party that would be against the law and one of the more liberal parties will be able to have them shut down, and they will not have their nominations accepted for the General Election... except that they have.


Having met some BNP members and listened to them talk about "pakis" and "*******" and their desire to ship them all home (or sink the boat) then I think I can safely say that it is a racist party - or at the very least it is quite happy to be home to racists.

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Aren't 3 Labour MPs in the dock for fraud. Does that make the Labour Party a fraudulent organisation?


Very good, you didn't answer my question.


If the leader of a respectable political party was convicted of a crime whilst they were leader, they would be replaced. The fact that the BNP tolerated their leader's conviction of a racist crime, shows how they tolerate racism. It's not difficult.

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you don't need to believe it, they are by law and by definition, a racist party.


up until recently (when they were forced by law to change) you could only be a member if you were white (racist by any criteria).


So their policy of membership was the racist aspect which has been changed, so no longer racist in this respect.


they believe in repatriation (paying to 'send people home' - possibly even second and third generation families - ie: people who were born here, and consider themselves English).


But not forced. The BNP would enact laws already part of the statute book.


they believe in separation of the races and cultures - ie: no inter community marriages or relationships, and certainly no sharing of other cultures food, dialect, celebrations etc.


Many foreign cultures that live within the UK also believe in this and they are allowed to stay and do as they wish.


I find the food ban a bit odd as who in their right mind would want to ban the nation’s favourite foods and expect support for doing so.


if you want more obscure policy, they claim that the likes of Ashley Cole, Rio Ferdinand, Emile Heskey or any non white player, shouldn't play for England, as they aren't really English (this sued to be displayed, stated policy, but i cant see it any more).


This is no published nor widely known. I'm just playing devils advocate here, people need evidence, not rumour and heresy.


they were an offshoot of the national front, who were and still are a violent group of separatist racists.


Sin Fain is an offshoot of the IRA who have murdered and tortured hundreds of British citizens. This did not bar them from political life.


and that's without mentioning their stance on religion, which is pretty fundamental, if not racist, per say.


Please explain this.


whatever guff they print in terms of policy on education, military etc, they are a single issue, race hate party.


You have still not proven that fact.


but i support to the death, anybodies right to vote for them - something they wouldn't support themselves, being technically a fascist party.


Very commendable, it is only through open debate and intelligent conversation that parties like the BNP can be countered by their foes. Those who belittle and look down upon people who support the BNP only energise their supporters even more.

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Aren't 3 Labour MPs in the dock for fraud. Does that make the Labour Party a fraudulent organisation?


You could say that all major parties where sexist if you go back through history, if we judge them in the same ways people judge the BNP then all political parties, especially Labour and the Tory’s are sexist.

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You could say that all major parties where sexist if you go back through history, if we judge them in the same ways people judge the BNP then all political parties, especially Labour and the Tory’s are sexist.


I'm sorry but that is just not true. If a leader of a political party was convicted of a racist crime, however minor, he would have had to have stood down as leader, the party would not have tolerated it. The fact that the BNP tolerates it speaks volumes.

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Very good, you didn't answer my question.


If the leader of a respectable political party was convicted of a crime whilst they were leader, they would be replaced. The fact that the BNP tolerated their leader's conviction of a racist crime, shows how they tolerate racism. It's not difficult.


I didn't know you were moving the goal posts. So now it is just not a respectable party. I would probably agree with you there. But being non respectable isn't a bar to being a legitimate political party, and they do seem to meet the aspirations of a large number of voters whose views are not discussed by the mainstream parties.

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