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What is it that makes the BNP a "racist" party?

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So what was your opinion of Sin Fein and the armed struggle?


Where a communities peaceful protests are attacked by racists backed up by the state the inevitable result will be a violent struggle to defend communities from attack. Regretable though that fact is, Sinn Fein played a role in representing that community, achieving a measure of equality and resolving that conflict.


I can't see the comparison with the BNP. Except perhaps to point to their links to the Loyalist paramilitaries that caused the conflict.


The person making the most money out of the BNP at the moment for example was kicked out of the Orange order for being an extremist.


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Where a communities peaceful protests are attacked by racists backed up by the state the inevitable result will be a violent struggle to defend communities from attack. Regretable though that fact is, Sinn Fein played a role in representing that community, achieving a measure of equality and resolving that conflict.


I can't see the comparison with the BNP. Except perhaps to point to their links to the Loyalist paramilitaries that caused the conflict.


and the fact that their leaders have criminal convictions.

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Very good, you didn't answer my question.


If the leader of a respectable political party was convicted of a crime whilst they were leader, they would be replaced. The fact that the BNP tolerated their leader's conviction of a racist crime, shows how they tolerate racism. It's not difficult.


"The Electoral Commission admitted that the only bar to standing in a UK parliamentary seat would be if someone were currently serving a sentence of 12 months or longer. Similarly, people are allowed to stand in European seats under UK electoral law whatever crimes they have committed, provided they have not served a 12-month prison sentence. The bar is, however, set substantially higher at local elections. Anyone who has had a prison sentence of three months or more, for however trivial a crime, in the previous five years is banned from standing as a councillor.


Mr Griffin, the leader of the BNP, was found guilty , in April 1998 of distributing material likely to incite racial hatred and handed a nine-month jail sentence, suspended for two years."


Love to know the full details of this case but as usual we never get them. What did he do again, write some article in a totally obscure magazine and got 9 months suspended for it? Sounds harsh to me considering sentences handed out these days but after all he was a BNP member so think of a number and double it guidelines must have come into play.

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I didn't know you were moving the goal posts. So now it is just not a respectable party. I would probably agree with you there. But being non respectable isn't a bar to being a legitimate political party, and they do seem to meet the aspirations of a large number of voters whose views are not discussed by the mainstream parties.


How have I moved the goal posts?


I would disagree that respectability is a bar for a legitimate political party, who would vote for a party that they don't respect?

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