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Lib Dems push Labour into 3rd place

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It would appear the YouGov poll in the Sun shows a huge swing to the Lib dems primarily at the expense of the other main parties.


CON 33%(-4)

LDEM 30%(+8)

LAB 28%(-3)


Could we be about to see a complete change to our political landscape? Could labour become the little voice of the 3rd party in UK politics or is this just a blip and with the new focus on their policies will they unravel.


I’m intrigued by the whole thing, this is the first time a general election has been so open to all three parties.


I agree, it is fascinating.


I'm not getting to excited yet though, because let's not forget that we had this situation in the early Eighties with the SDP/Liberal alliance, and this led to only a few elected SDP/Liberal MPs because of the flawed electoral system

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Quite so. We seem to care far more about having politicians who can score cheap debating points, than having politicians who are actually any good at running a country. Live television debates are only going to make that worse.


correction, I don't want them doing verbal fencing matches, I want them debating issues preferably without the yah boo accompaniment


however this is the way it is at the moment and asking the reddish blues or bluish reds to grow the f**k up and do the job they are supposed to doesn't seem to have any effect


so as long as verbal fencing is the norm I want the best verbal fencer on my side

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It used to be biased against Labour, until they overtook the Liberals as the country's second party.


precisely, it's a biased system, I want a fairer one




and I'm not going to get a fairer system if either Lab or Con win the election, it will be five more years of "same old same old" and being ignored by MP's who think they are gods among sheep

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Im hopeful for a conservative, lib dem landscape....in whatever configuration.


This is my preference too. I dislike overly dominant parties in government as it means they have too much power to impose their views over what will always be a majority of the population that didn’t vote for them.

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This is my preference too. I dislike overly dominant parties in government as it means they have too much power to impose their views over what will always be a majority of the population that didn’t vote for them.


I'd love to see the first Cabinet Meeting, here's how it could go:


Clegg- We must have a Mansion Tax on all properties over £2 million to make the well-off pay


Cameron- We must remove the Inheritance Tax to make well-off families even better off


I suspect that might be a long discussion cos you can't get much further apart than this.

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Cameron- We must remove the Inheritance Tax to make well-off families even better off



The well-off families already don't pay inheritance tax; they can afford to set up trusts and arrange for everything to passed down to their descendants tax-free. The abolition of inheritance tax altogether, would place the less well-off on similar footing.

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The well-off families already don't pay inheritance tax; they can afford to set up trusts and arrange for everything to passed down to their descendants tax-free. The abolition of inheritance tax altogether, would place the less well-off on similar footing.


You are preaching to the brain dead.

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The well-off families already don't pay inheritance tax; they can afford to set up trusts and arrange for everything to passed down to their descendants tax-free. The abolition of inheritance tax altogether, would place the less well-off on similar footing.


You'd best vote LibDem then as they'll get them another way!


Still not sure how the Libdems and Tories can get together with such opposing views:huh:

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