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Lib Dems push Labour into 3rd place

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I don't have any particular axe to grind against the well off. I have never been so small-minded as to object to someone else just because they've managed to become wealthy.


Fair enough I respect your opinion, you'd rather the well-off get to keep this money whilst I'd rather it was spent on something like Schools or keeping Police levels as they are.

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well if there's a coalition it will mean MP's actually having to turn up and convince MP's to vote by force of argument, rather than rubber stamping the leading parties think tank ideas and using the party whip and a majority to get it through despite any opposition


they'll actually have to work for a change


no wonder MP's consider a coalition intolerable, it must be incredibly traumatic actually having to turn up, debate things and listen to the voices outside their heads instead of the ones inside

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