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Latest poll : Lib-Dem 32% | Conservative 31% | Labour 28%

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Everyone seems to be missing the point here. Clegg was better in a debate than Cameron or Brown. Yet what do the electorate expect of their leaders; great debating skills or great policies? Clegg has demonstrated he's got plenty to offer in one respect; sadly still nothing in the other area...


So who has the good policies and what are they?

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What if theere were a Labour/Conservative coalition and the Lib Dems were kept out as the main opposition? Nobody thought of that.


They might as well merge. They are pretty much the same anyway. Between them they could put together an unrivalled team of slippery back-stabbing marketing clones.

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They might as well merge. They are pretty much the same anyway. Between them they could put together an unrivalled team of slippery back-stabbing marketing clones.


My Noble Lord Mandleson as Prime Minister - now there's a thought.

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Although I'm usually a Tory supporter, actually I think if the Lib Dems could by some miracle win the General Election outright with a majority, that would be something akin to a revolution in this country and change the face of UK politics, for the better imo.


Labour put into third place would definately be good.


We might get back to a situation where there is some distinction between the main political parties. At the moment there's no big ideological differences.

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