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Latest poll : Lib-Dem 32% | Conservative 31% | Labour 28%

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yes when they debate giving an amnasty to all the illegals and scrapping our weapons of mass destruction watch old cleggy take a fall


And why do you think spending billions on useless nuclear weapons systems would be popular (that are controlled by the americans anyway)?

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As someone who might have voted Labour (between them and the Lib Dems), the arrogant, rattled and pathetic reaction to Lib Dem popularity of both main paries has completely settled my mind: it's time for a change, I'm voting Lib Dem.


The party of David Lloyd George is good enough for me.

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The David Lloyd George??

You mean the serial womaniser and egotist?


If only he was around today,he'd fit in perfectly.


Yep - or, perhaps more importantly, 'the man who won the war'.


Or, the architect of Old Age Pensions, National Insurance against sickness and unemployment, free school meals and free medical treatment for any breadwinner. Not to mention votes for women.


Also he took on and beat the House of Lords (men 'chosen accidentally from amongst the unemployed').


'It is rather hard that an old workman should have to find his way to the gates of the tomb, bleeding and footsore, through the brambles and thorns of poverty.' (Lloyd George)

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