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Latest poll : Lib-Dem 32% | Conservative 31% | Labour 28%

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Very interesting article here from a former Sun editor. Just another reason to vote Lib Dem - sticking it to Murdoch!



Ah, Murdoch. I was just talking about the power of the Dark Side. If Peter Mandleson is the equivalent of Darth Vader, Murdoch would be The Emporer himself! he even looks like him.

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There are two new polls this morning. Harris in the Metro have topline figures of CON 37%(nc), LAB 28%(+1), LDEM 20%(+1). Others are on 15%.


That sounds like an outlier to me, when compared with the other figures that have consistently been cropping up.

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And why do you think spending billions on useless nuclear weapons systems would be popular (that are controlled by the americans anyway)?



because it is not useless.....and you never know when enola gay will fly again...destination iran before they get one..

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I agree.


You would though.


I think you do a bit of a disservice to the people you claim to represent if you think they prefer "style over substance" (or was that the case when they were conned by LieBore)?


There were numerous points during the debate where Clegg pointed out to (both other applicants) that things they (the others) were proposing could have already been implemented if they had listened to his party years ago.


Then again, it's nothing new for LieBore to steal other parties election manifesto promises after mocking them previously, is it (the MRLP promised to introduce passports for pets introduced by your masters in Whitehall)?


scrapping our weapons of mass destruction watch old cleggy take a fall


That's one of the reasons I'm voting for them:thumbsup:


It was on the news earlier, that camoron had to re-record the party political broadcast (tonight's) to attack a hung (balanced) parliament, rather than LieBore (as the original did).


Good to see the other political parties running scared. Like rabbits caught in the beam of a car's headlights:hihi:.

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at the end of the day there's only one poll that's going to matter


however these interim results are encouraging me to believe that Labour and Conservative aren't going to have things all their own way whoever wins


who knows MP's may actually have to turn up and debate issues rather than rely on the party whip


you know, what most people think we pay them to do anyway


it would be a refreshing change if they actually did turn up and debate

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