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Another financial bailout? Airlines on the brink of disaster?

Airline bailout ?  

39 members have voted

  1. 1. Airline bailout ?

    • No, let them sink or swim
    • Yes, we need them to survive
    • I'm confused

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Considering that after only 3 days of shutdown the US airline industry needed a $15 billion bailout, can we, should we expect a similar bailout of UK airline industry?


Rumours abound of staff about to lose their jobs through the volcano in Iceland shutting down northern European airspace. Staff are scattered around the world in hotels and passengers are faced with no payout from insurers.


Do they deserve a bailout ?

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its amazing how brittle we really are in the great scheme of things
Indeed. This minor volcanic incident has made me realise that on the grand scheme of things Mother nature has the power to take us back to the stone age in an instant...
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Do they deserve a bailout ?


Certainly not ! Let the shareholders forgo their dividends for a few years. In any case the govt. would have to borrow the cash to give to the airlines.


I might consider lending BA a few grand at 4 points above base rate...provided it was backed by govt. cast-iron guarantee ;)


There will be many people facing hardship and possible bankruptcy as a result of this little calamity, people in Africa for example who stand to lose their livelihoods growing fruit, veg and flowers. I don't see the airlines as a special case.

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If the airlines go under, all those people in Africa lose their livelihoods anyway because nobody can fly their produce to Europe...


No. Those airlines may go bust, but they'll be replaced by others who might charge slightly higher prices so they can buy better insurance.

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Anyway, can't stop because I'm off to stock up on food for the next couple of months


The only food this is effecting is the perishable stuff. Buying a couple of months supply of that will leave you with a smelly mess. ;)

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They should have taken out insurance.


We all know how slippery insurance companies are. Even if someone did take out insurance no doubt they'd wiggle out of paying by saying they don't pay for "act of God".

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