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Can we start panic buying yet?

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You nasty minded person!


What about places like Thai restaurants that rely on fresh herbs imported from the Far East. What about the nice people who run the Thai Panna shop on London Road.


What about the Yemeni Grocers in the east end of Sheffield who rely on selling freshly imported Khat?



Where will all the Khat addicts get their regular fix?


Look there's things that have to be air-freighted in and a few crates in the hold of a passenger jet is fine. But when whole freight planes are given over to flying in flowers or fresh sweetcorn (Waitrose you know who you are) then I hope the businesses supporting that go under. I sincerely do :)

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Buy Toilet paper!


Most of the world's toilet paper (now that Bronco and its ilk have gone out of fashion ;)) is made in the good ole US of A.


Charmin (Do Bears sh*t in the woods?) has taken over as a major product in the UK, but the parent company (having changed the name for the UK market) may not be able to meet demand.


Buy now!


Or forever hold it.

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Buy Toilet paper!


Most of the world's toilet paper (now that Bronco and its ilk have gone out of fashion ;)) is made in the good ole US of A.


Charmin (Do Bears sh*t in the woods?) has taken over as a major product in the UK, but the parent company (having changed the name for the UK market) may not be able to meet demand.


Buy now!


Or forever hold it.


or save your money and use your hand :hihi:

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I have already forgot what life was like before "the cloud".


Giant silver birds used to fly from the skies bringing us precious things and trinkets from exotic places such as the mythical Bah-nah-nah and the amazing Gah-reen Beeens.


Ahh, the memories.

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I read today that the British asparagus season is late due to earlier cold weather but this should result in a sweeter crop when it does appear.


Yes, here in Kent it hasn't appeared thro' the ground yet.

Prices will rise no doubt.

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