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Parallel Universes

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Study physics and you'll realise multiple universes could exist. We have quantum computers up and running now, and scientists believe they work by performing calculations in parallel universes.


Time does change, the closer you get to the speed of light, the slower time goes. If you travelled to another star and back at 95% speed of light, everyone you know will have aged considerably compared to you.


It is also known that gravity bends and slows time. And don't get me started on quantum entanglement and teleportation.



This man has some interesting ideas on how to for shorten space/ time.




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Isn't that what they decided must exist because various theories and what not wouldn't work without it being there?


I must get a subscription to New Scientist instead of just reading their website :)


Its dark matter and dark energy that mostly makes up the universe. Astromoners did some calculations involving the orbital periods of galaxies, and concluded there must be more mass than what could be seen, for the theories to be correct.


Dark energy is what they think is causing the universe to expand at an accelerated rate, although expanding into what they haven't a clue.


The wikipedia article on it all is quite interesting:




This man has some interesting ideas on how to for shorten space/ time.



interesting stuff, just imagine being able to makes this happen and traveling to different solar systems.

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Its dark matter and dark energy that mostly makes up the universe. Astromoners did some calculations involving the orbital periods of galaxies, and concluded there must be more mass than what could be seen, for the theories to be correct.


Dark energy is what they think is causing the universe to expand at an accelerated rate, although expanding into what they haven't a clue.


Very similar to the reason for religion really - the ancients couldn't fathom the causes for what they observed so they invented god. Modern scientists can't explain what's going on in the observable universe so they invent dark matter and dark energy and stick to the story even though they can't prove it.


Human nature :D

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Hang on, what exists outside of our universe that makes no sense?


In fact, what exists inside our universe that makes no sense, too?


Black holes, white holes, dark matter, twin orbiting stars, planets too close to their star that we can't yet explain how they can exist at all. etc etc.

Many things that can be observed and yet not understood or not explained by current laws of physics.


Even Pulsars were only relatively recently discovered, before then they were a complete mystery to astronomers.


Even in our own Earth atmosphere there are very recently photographed phenomena known as Sprites, Elves and Blue Jets, they are not totally understood by todays science.




Like I mentioned earlier, Man's greatest achievement is landing on the moon and yet that is hardly any distance in cosmic terms.

Man's understanding of the Universe is probably of similar status.

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Very similar to the reason for religion really - the ancients couldn't fathom the causes for what they observed so they invented god. Modern scientists can't explain what's going on in the observable universe so they invent dark matter and dark energy and stick to the story even though they can't prove it.


Human nature :D


scientists developed a theory, then they looked for evidence that would either back it up or knock it down


if they find evidence but some of it is contradictory but not so contradictory that it disproves the theory they will tweak the theory


if they find supporting evidence they'll still look for evidence that knocks the theory down


if they find evidence that it's wrong they'll throw the theory out and start again


which is nothing like religion which states the existence of a god or gods as a fact, attributes any unexplained events and phenomena to their will and doesn't ask questions beyond what does god or the gods want them to do now

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