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Forthcoming water shortages

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Forget religion, politics, culture and any other man made ideology: very soon we will be fighting over every drop that drips from the sky.


Britain is over-populated:the world is over-populated yet we continue to breed at a rate that is totally unsustainable. . There is only one outcome and it's coming to a village, town, city near you sooner than you think. But don't let that stop you behaving the way you always have. Mankind is inherently stupid and will ultimately destroy itself. Best case scenario is that the world population will, in total, be reduced to a billion.


Some of my cyclist, eco-warrior, save the planet type zealot colleagues, consistently brag about how much they're doing to benefit the environment. To a man (or woman) each has a shower first thing in a morning, followed by another one after cycling to work, followed by yet another when they arrive home. Plus one after they've been to their local gym.

I guess stupidity and hypocrisy knows no bounds.

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Don't be silly!


Your government tell you that you need more people. Your government needs more votes.


The fact that you can't feed the people you've already got (you import more than 40% of your food)


The fact that you don't have enough jobs to go around (27% of the work force have no job at all. - Not even a 5 hour-per-week part-time job.)


The fact that you won't have enough water to meet basic demands.


Those facts are irrelevant.


The fact that the world can't feed its current population (nearly 6.3 Billion) and the fact that the population is predicted to grow to more than 9 billion in the next 40 years.


Those facts are irrelevant.


Politicians are not interested in facts. Politicians are interested in staying in power.


If their attempt to stay in power means that your family starve or even that you die - then why the hell didn't you get a job as a politician?


You don't have to be elected ...

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No, this is more than not being able to wash your car or fill the Olympic pool in your back garden when it gets hot every few years.


This is about permanent shortages of water coming through the tap.


Already the south east of England is becoming critical, it will struggle to support the growing population so there is talk about building a desalination plant in the Thames, just like you might see in the middle east.


Some effects:

  • Drinking water being rationed.
  • Not being able to flush the toilet every time you use it.
  • Beer and wine quadrupling in price.


Do you know of anything else?


How do you feel? Are you happy to pay more? Can you cut back your usage now? Will you do without?


What will it take before you change your habits?



Silly and pointless scaremongering again Tony. Are you a failed tabloid journalist?


How can a country which gets as much rain as we do and has recently had the snowiest winters and wettest summers for years be short of water? :roll:

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Silly and pointless scaremongering again Tony. Are you a failed tabloid journalist?


How can a country which gets as much rain as we do and has recently had the snowiest winters and wettest summers for years be short of water? :roll:


What ^^ he said ?? :loopy:

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Silly and pointless scaremongering again Tony. Are you a failed tabloid journalist?


How can a country which gets as much rain as we do and has recently had the snowiest winters and wettest summers for years be short of water? :roll:


OMG, I actually agree with you! lol


There are many countries around the world who are in dire straights at the moments due to lack of rain. These countries have adapted and continued as restrictions are brought in.


If there is a water shortage, you wont go to the tap one day and find nothing coming out of it -there would be plans and restrictions put into place long before that happens.....


like not watering your plants in the middle of the day in summer.

not filling up a pool that you rarely use.


Using a bucket to wash your car instead of a hose.

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Silly and pointless scaremongering again Tony. Are you a failed tabloid journalist?


How can a country which gets as much rain as we do and has recently had the snowiest winters and wettest summers for years be short of water? :roll:


You should have an 'ology with thinking like that. :hihi:

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