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Life begins at 40

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Stay healthy, Cotton Top says. Eating, exercise and getting plenty of sleep. I ll be 49 soon and yes, its the pits. I can eat, yes but exercise and plenty of sleep, no, no. Not that I don't want to, I'd love to BUT my hips ache, my knees ache and I start walking like a constipated duck. As for sleep, I fear going to bed because I can't sleep no where near as good as I used to especially with those hot sweats and crazy dreams creeping in. So, I have a drink occasionally to take the edge off and every morning I've realized the hangovers last longer and are worse. Even better, I'm beginning to feel brain dead as I'm talking to people I've known for years and I forget their names but saying that my crazy brain tells me I'm still young but my body says 'you must be joking'. How on earth do we survive and enjoy 'this' disaster in life.? Oh also, my hearing is deteriorating and I now wear glasses. Is this my penance for a well lived youth? I feel sorry for anyone hitting this time of life. Just stick me in a black bag and forget I'm here.

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I'm just a mere male and we seem to get less problems than you ladies. But a lot of us don't make it to the double 40s, which I did, 83 in August next. Cataracts removed, leaving me with 20/20 vision, good hearing, short of breath from too many cigs, last smoked 8 years ago. Grand kids everywhere, and loving every minute of it. My wife is 69 in June, drives the minivan most of the time, which allows more of a little liquor when we dine out. No more two seat roadsters, I can get in but can't out easy. That's alright, my sons wreck them anyway, as well as my eldest Grandson and Grandaughter. All the best.:)

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So no sports car? No sleeping with women way younger than me? No "rocking out" to young peoples music or learning the drums?


There's no such thing as a mid-life crisis for men. Men invented that just so they can gain sympathy because women go through the menopause. It's also the excuse they use to get that sports car and cop off with a younger woman.

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