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Travel insurance-with previous DVT

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Has anyone had any reasonable quotes for travel insurance-including a previous DVT?

My mum had a DVT 7 years ago and we are trying to find insurance to travel to the states. I know there are companies that cover this but ones i have seen you have to ring to get a quote-cant do it online. just wondering if anyone has had to get this kind of travel insurance before and who they went with. thanks

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I'm not really sure of the need for the ridiculous reponse above.


The OP is obviously posting to ask for a reasonable quote for travel insurance for a pre-existing medical condition. Not a lecture about screwing insurance companies or the risk of flying with a history of DVT.


I find your comment "If you don't give a damn about your Mum and you're looking for the highest payback in the event that she should croak, go for it. - I'm not sure why you are asking us for the best odds; you might do better with a bookie" rather unecessary and insensitive. Please think twice before you post such inconsiderate words.


To the OP - in answer to your question, I know my mum managed to find quite reasonable travel insurance a few years after recovering from cancer. I will find out who the company was and PM you.

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I'm not really sure of the need for the ridiculous reponse above.


The OP is obviously posting to ask for a reasonable quote for travel insurance for a pre-existing medical condition. Not a lecture about screwing insurance companies or the risk of flying with a history of DVT.


I find your comment "If you don't give a damn about your Mum and you're looking for the highest payback in the event that she should croak, go for it. - I'm not sure why you are asking us for the best odds; you might do better with a bookie" rather unecessary and insensitive. Please think twice before you post such inconsiderate words.


To the OP - in answer to your question, I know my mum managed to find quite reasonable travel insurance a few years after recovering from cancer. I will find out who the company was and PM you.



Thankyou greatly appreciated x:)

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It is also possible to get insurance that includes everything except the specified illness.

If you are prepared to take that risk.


Yes, but I would rather be honest-as previously said any medical problems whatsoever and the insurance company will look at medical records and not cover you Even if unrelated to exsisting conditions.

Getmy.com look like a good option-they have an online questionnaire and haven't added any extra for my mums previous dvt so obviously don't see her as a high risk traveller.

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Yes, but I would rather be honest-as previously said any medical problems whatsoever and the insurance company will look at medical records and not cover you Even if unrelated to exsisting conditions.



You would still have to be honest to get it, yes; but you can disclose the DVT, obtain cover for anything medical except a DVT, and pay considerably less; or you can disclose it, get cover that includes it, and pay considerably more. Which is the better option is for you to decide.


Not disclosing it and just taking standard cover is definitely a bad option, but thankfully you have enough sense to know that already.

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You would still have to be honest to get it, yes; but you can disclose the DVT, obtain cover for anything medical except a DVT, and pay considerably less; or you can disclose it, get cover that includes it, and pay considerably more. Which is the better option is for you to decide.


I would like to include cover for the DVT risk. As i know the cost for some anti coagulent drugs and doppler ultrasound plus any other medical care may be expensive. Although my mum does not actually have that much more risk of developing a DVT then somebody else her age. She has not been on HRT for 7 yrs and does not require any anti coagulant drugs now-was only on them for 3 months at the time. i still think it is best to include the cover. I understand that it will cost abit more-but got a reasonable quote from getmy.com (£30) and their excess charges are the normal at £50.

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Some of the comments by Rupert_Baerh are downright offensive!!

The OP asked a simple question. There is no need for such a response.


My wife is undergoing treatment for cancer, and we expect similar problems getting insurance cover to travel.

We, like the OP aren't interested in the "payout", but a reasonable quote from an insurance company to travel.

It would be foolish to travel without.


To astonaught77.....I'd be interested to learn the name of the Insurance company you used for your mum.

I hope she is well now.

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