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Nick Clegg, " I don't believe in God"

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I've never yet seen Grahame abused for being a believer. He gets a lot of abuse for his totally illogical arguments, his obstinate refusal to understand even basic logic, his vitriolic attacks on anyone who is so bold as to disagree with him ...



....but that abuse is justified.



Thank you, you saved me some typing. :D


I do wonder how many people lazily think that disagreeing with someone on a religion-based thread means you hate everyone who believes anything. For the record, I don't care what god or force people believe or use as an inner support system, it's when it's used to excuse objectionable or outdated attitudes, to wield control over people, to assume superiority or ownership of morality, or demand special privileges that I tend to stick my nose in. As Esme put it, 'I only have a problem with the ones who have a problem with me'.


I think it's weird that anyone would try to make an issue out of it. The compromise with his wife's religion could look confusing to some, but that's modern life. I think it's refreshing.

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Nick Clegg, the Liberal Democrats’ new leader, has defied political convention with a frank admission that he is an atheist.


During a round of media broadcasts , he was asked by one interviewer: “Do you believe in God?”


“No,” Mr Clegg answered simply, during an appearance on BBC Radio 5 Live.


trying to appeal to the aethist vote, that must be a tactic for attracting the scientist vote:suspect:

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And that's the problem with athiests, they DON'T respect people who believe in a god. You only have to see the abuse poor old Grahame gets on here as proof of that.


I'm not religious myself, I'm an agnostic, but I find many athiests to be arrogant people who love to sneer at those with deeply held spritiual beliefs because they're ashamed of having no beliefs or principles of their own. For Clegg to go on record as saying "There is no God" is arrogant in the extreme and I certainly won't be voting for him now.


Judging by your posts, I'll defer to your expertise on sneering and arrogance,

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However, the lords spiritual today do not vote in the HoL, so the power they hold does not exist. Which I am sure Clegg knows, which is probably why he has never stated the position you attribute to him.


Ok,we'll put 26 parrots in there, they'll be cheaper to keep.

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I believe him because there are no votes to be gained in claiming to be an atheist, but there could well be votes to be lost.


The Tories need the christians the most. It doesn't really matter with the Lib Dems. Article here. I have known for ages that he doesn't beileve in god. Did anyone ask him which god?

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Can i just ask jobee - do you have any connection to sheffield, and did you have any connection with Coventry before you got banned off their boards? Even the "raving atheists" forum you are a member of think your postings are ridiculous, so you have been given your own thread and told if you post anywhere else it will be deleted!


edit: ok, on his raving atheists thread jobee says that he is "working on" this forum among others



Thanks for your kind words. As I have already stated I lived and worked in

Sheffield. I worked at a place called Brown-Baileys. I am not banned from Coventry, peruse.




I'm posting the same stuff on 'Raving Atheist' as I am on here. Peruse.


Anything else sir.


Any chance of you discussing the OP, just a thought.

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Does anyone on here think that he may pick up extreme far right votes? To admit you don't believe in God is an admission you don't believe in any god...including Allah.



There must be millions of religious people around the world that don't believe


in any of the mystical Gods. Many are frightened to admit it.


Many more just enjoy the service.

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I bet Clegg only decided on his spiritual beliefs once a Libdem focus groups had determined that athiesm is currently more popular than religion. Shameless opportunism - he's been Libdem leader for 2 years, why's he suddenly decided not to believe in God two weeks before an election?


I don't think this is new news. I thought I'd heard him say this several months ago.


Edit: Oops, I've now seen post 27

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