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Nick Clegg, " I don't believe in God"

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Don't get me wrong, Brown and Cameron are just as bad, if not worse. And don't get me started on Tony Blair, who took us to illegal wars because he claimed God told him to do it.


The point I'm making is that anyone who thinks Clegg is any different from the others is deluded - his snout's as firmly embedded in the trough as the rest of them!




In that case, who do we ask to form a government.

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I bet Clegg only decided on his spiritual beliefs once a Libdem focus groups had determined that athiesm is currently more popular than religion. Shameless opportunism - he's been Libdem leader for 2 years, why's he suddenly decided not to believe in God two weeks before an election?

Maybe nobody asked him before,he initially answered a simple No which seems to point to the fact that he doesnt consider it a big deal

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He's deferring to his wife; he may not be entirely happy about it, perhaps he simply doesn't feel it's important enough to make a stand on.



Yes, I don't think Gods important at all.


How can nothing be important?

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Maybe nobody asked him before,he initially answered a simple No which seems to point to the fact that he doesnt consider it a big deal


If I was a betting man I'd bet on that. But! If he is an honest man then by association (a politician) in the eyes of most he'll be guilty....and that's a pity really. We have to remember that the Libdems weren't squeaky clean in the recent fiasco either.

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Good for him. At least we can be sure he is being honest in this regard as no politician who was a believer would claim to be an atheist in order to gain votes. In fact for far too long politicians have claimed a belief in god because it was considered politically unacceptable to say otherwise.

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I don't think this is new news. I thought I'd heard him say this several months ago.


Edit: Oops, I've now seen post 27


Yes, he said it several years ago, but he has repeated

it once at least.

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