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Nick Clegg, " I don't believe in God"

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Whats the point in this thread? Its not like hes running for priest





The point is organised religion still has power in the house of lords.

26 of them[unelected]


Nick would like them out.

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The point is organised religion still has power in the house of lords.

26 of them[unelected]


Nick would like them out.

He's never said a word on that. A lack of belief does not automatically make you anti-theistic. Do not try and project your own wet dream beliefs onto another person please....



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Does he not risk losing a lot of voters by saying that? I suppose the question is whether an atheist is more likely to not vote for someone because they are religious or vice-versa? It shouldn't really matter but I think it might to some.

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I don't believe in god either, which is probably why I object to the assumption of my unquestioning obedience to a higher authority that MP's seem to have


however I have no problem with people who do believe in a god, providing they don't force their views on anyone else, and I suspect Nick Clegg doesn't either


I find it's people who do believe in a god a little too frevently who have trouble with me

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Does he not risk losing a lot of voters by saying that? I suppose the question is whether an atheist is more likely to not vote for someone because they are religious or vice-versa? It shouldn't really matter but I think it might to some.


there are people who will vote a certain way because of a hairstyle or a smile


there are people who will vote a certain way because it was good enough for grandad, it was good enough for dad so it's good enough for them


and there are people who will vote a certain way because of the expressed religious views of the particular party leader


none of which have anything to do with politics


these people wouldn't know what a manifesto is if you hit them with one


but they have a right to vote as they see fit for whatever reasons they see fit and I fully support them in that, I just wish they understood a bit more about what they were doing when they put the X in the box


and besides it shows a refreshing honesty, would you prefer it if he said he did believe in a god when he didn't ?


I'd prefer a leader who told the truth myself

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I bet Clegg only decided on his spiritual beliefs once a Libdem focus groups had determined that athiesm is currently more popular than religion. Shameless opportunism - he's been Libdem leader for 2 years, why's he suddenly decided not to believe in God two weeks before an election?

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