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Promiscuous women responsible for earthquakes

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:confused:But that means that 3 out of 4 are men ...


Has anyone ever actually looked at these women that are converting to Islam in a serious spirit of enquiry? Most of them will be doing it because they've fallen for one of you gorgeous blokies (women can be weird like that) and the rest are probably suffering from low self esteem or something. No sane woman would willingly convert to any of the monotheistic religions if she wasn't born to it. IMO, before you start!


Anyway, I'm a bit miffed that no-one has agreed that I could probably cause an earthquake just by shaking my hair around a bit *sulks*





RD- you're entitled to your opinion.


The appeal of Islam to liberated western women is difficult for many to understand, largely because of the widespread perception in the west that it treats women badly.


But from the people I have met as well read about(and you could probably research on google etc) these women are educated, independent, some even hold down professional jobs.


The fact is, if one simply looks at Iran(e.g.) and believes THAT is Islam, then that person is very shallow.


It reminds me of a similar approach by Robert Salaam, a US Marine who converted POST 9/11. When he finally decided to see for himself what the book of the muslims was all about (expecting to find hatred and destruction of non muslims etc - as he himself said) he instead found the total opposite- in fact, he read the first Opening and this fuelled his desire to learn more- this time directly, not from CNN/Fox etc.

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Thank you for acknowledging that I'm entitled to my opinion. I appreciate that you personally may believe in the actual rules laid down in the book, but the majority of islamic societies aren't run according to the book. They're run by misogynistic, homophobic old men who seem to be able to ride roughshod over any democraticially elected governments to impose their wills and talk any old nonsense without anyone being able to gainsay them.


Just because people, women or men, are well educated and hold professional jobs, doesn't mean to say they have secure egos. They obviously aren't independent at all, otherwise they wouldn't be willing to tie themselves into a way of life that wants to rule every waking moment. That's not independence, that's needing to be told what to do by an invisible presence. It's not what a true adult does, imo.

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:confused:But that means that 3 out of 4 are men ...


Has anyone ever actually looked at these women that are converting to Islam in a serious spirit of enquiry? Most of them will be doing it because they've fallen for one of you gorgeous blokies (women can be weird like that) and the rest are probably suffering from low self esteem or something. No sane woman would willingly convert to any of the monotheistic religions if she wasn't born to it. IMO, before you start!


Anyway, I'm a bit miffed that no-one has agreed that I could probably cause an earthquake just by shaking my hair around a bit *sulks*




Hey, rubydazzler,


You know I'm not a convert to Islam, because I fell for a bloke, (Gorgeous or otherwise!) and not because of low self esteem (in fact I think quite highly of myself! lololol) I'm quite (ok, then... relatively) sane and rational, and was not born to religion, monotheistic or otherwise. In fact my father was, and still is staunchly anti-theist/anti-theism. I don't think I'm the exception that proves the rule, as I can count a fairly large number of my female friends who converted to Islam of their own volition, without any man, hovering on the periphery to force them.


Oh, and you can just stop that hair shaking, with all that coppery glossiness, if you please... you'll have me all envious. (I haven't enough hair to waft, never mind shake!!! hehe)

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Oh, and you can just stop that hair shaking, with all that coppery glossiness, if you please... you'll have me all envious. (I haven't enough hair to waft, never mind shake!!! hehe)
tut! get that scarf back on right now ... western women can hair shake with no adverse consequences but you muslims, you can't be allowed to take those sort of liberties, who knows where it might end ? The San Andreas fault might collapse overnight!;)
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tut! get that scarf back on right now ... western women can hair shake with no adverse consequences but you muslims, you can't be allowed to take those sort of liberties, who knows where it might end ? The San Andreas fault might collapse overnight!;)


;) ;) frowns in Ruby's general direction, whilst retying said scarf... (Despite the amount of hair not being enough to warrant covering ;) ). ;) ;)


(and books an urgent, warning phone call, to sis in law in San Jose, California)

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Don't worry tab1- just another individual who is showing their (lack of) Islamic knowledge.


They don't seem to do any research or look at things objectively, but rather jump in head first- after all, to them, The Sun/ Mail and other Islamophobic media, are authentic material to learn about Islam.:suspect:


Also, the guy must have failed to look at the growth of Islam, it is coming from the West- where even in America, 1 in 4 convert is a woman. If Islam dealt with women the way it is portrayed, surely this would be apparent in the numbers.

And of course there aren't any muslims serving life sentences in this country for honor killings and not foregetting the ones that disappear on so called trips to Pakistan never to be seen again especialy if they don't agree to a forced marriage.

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Don't worry tab1- just another individual who is showing their (lack of) Islamic knowledge.


They don't seem to do any research or look at things objectively.


Don't need to do research its there in front of you everyday going back to 911, suicide bombings on a daily basis, I hardly think that they're Mormons or Methodists, but it certainly begins with 'M'

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