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Promiscuous women responsible for earthquakes

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Iranian cleric 'blames quakes on promiscuous women'


Promiscuous women are responsible for earthquakes, a senior Iranian cleric has said.


Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi told worshippers in Tehran last Friday that they had to stick to strict codes of modesty to protect themselves.


"Many women who do not dress modestly lead young men astray and spread adultery in society which increases earthquakes," he said.


Mr Sedighi was delivering a sermon on the need for a "general repentance" by Iranians.


"What can we do to avoid being buried under the rubble? There is no other solution but to take refuge in religion and to adapt our lives to Islam's moral codes," he said.


Young Iranians sometimes push the boundaries of how they can dress, showing hair under their headscarves or wearing tight fitting clothes.


"Now if a natural earthquake hits Tehran, no one will be able to confront such a calamity but God's power, only God's power. So lets not disappoint God."


I wonder how long it will be before some local vicar in Hillsborough blames Sheffield Wednesdays plight on local women wearing lipstick and short skirts.:hihi:

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I wonder how long it will be before some local vicar in Hillsborough blames Sheffield Wednesdays plight on local women wearing lipstick and short skirts.:hihi:


Knowing both Fr. Sean Smith and the guy from St John's at Owlerton I think I can safely say you'll be waiting a while.

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(From BBC link in OP)


What can we do to avoid being buried under the rubble? There is no other solution but to take refuge in religion and to adapt our lives to Islam's moral codes," he said


I fully agree morals are a good thing- but that would go for every society. For him to lay the blame on women is a cheap shot! This guy is only using his political tools to undermine his own people (and he is not even the president)!


They should first of all look to honouring the women rights in Iran according to the teachings of Islam- not their own man made ones. Using this crap on the majority uneducated people of Iran (which is more to do with Irans education policy) is just a slap in the face.


Seismologists have warned that the capital, Tehran, is situated on a large number of tectonic fault lines and could be hit by a devastating earthquake soon


Exactly- you're hardly going to have this cleric trying to give this as an explantion to the potential danger...


President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said many of Tehran's 12 million inhabitants should relocate


Damn right-if common sense is used. Certain areas of the planet are geologically active, but people have decided to stay there, despite the danger, even when repeat earthquakes, floods, eruptions, tsumamis etc have hammered them time and time again throughout history.


Take Pompeii for example. People resettled there although knowing the volcano is still active.

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Seeing as you are on a par with Kamaljoe it's hardly surprising that you disagree with purdyamos's analysis of his posts. You both cry 'islamaphobia', 'racist', 'bnp'... at the 1st sign of any criticism of your precious ideology, in an utterly unscrupulous and irresponsible manner which is steadily eroding the power of the terms you and your fellow travellers so cynically seek to use as weapons to try and silence criticism of Islam.


There have recently been threads mocking Xian and Jewish preacher for linking pacts with the devil & homosexuals for earthquakes what's so wrong with doing the same when a Muslim preacher does something just as dumb? Why does your ideology deserve special treatment?


Can I point you to my post here


oh dear...


hahahahahaha hahahahahaah hahahahaahahah


where I did exactly that?

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They should first of all look to honouring the women rights in Iran according to the teachings of Islam- not their own man made ones. Using this crap on the majority uneducated people of Iran (which is more to do with Irans education policy) is just a slap in the face.


It would be easy to agree with you if this mentality (or lack of it) was unique to Iran but it isn't.

The degrading treatment of muslim women is commonplace in western countries as well, honor killings being just one example.

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Do you have any muslim friends, colleagues or neighbours Riahannon?

I only ask because some posters appear to automatically object to anything Islam related without even thinking about it - not because they have legitimate concerns about certain aspects of the faith but because they have a knuckleheaded knee-jerk response and assume that any muslim is a thoroughly dodgy individual who is probably a benefit fraud, wifebeater and would-be bomber. These types tend not to have any social dealings with muslims.


There are a few poster on here who wear their Muslim "friends" like a badge of honour :rolleyes:

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I wonder how long it will be before some local vicar in Hillsborough blames Sheffield Wednesdays plight on local women wearing lipstick and short skirts.:hihi:
That would only happen if aforesaid god-botherer was a Blade and wanted to wind the local Owls up. But that would be wrong, wouldn't it ;)


What are promiscuous men responsible for? I ask this as a married, middle-aged male, who vaguely recalls the "p" word but can't for the life of me remember what it's all supposed to be about...

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