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Are Sheff Forum members gettin worried?

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If benefit claimers were given non transferable food & shopping vouchers instead of cash, we would soon see 3/4 of those people claiming miraculously back in work!!




I don't think anyone is that stupid to not understand how or why this would work!!!!


You are obviously itching to give your opinion on my post, so please go ahead!!


I'm just wondering how this would work? Are you suggesting that if cash was taken away from people everyone would have a job? I dont think it's as simple as that my friend.


We should be helping the unemployed people to gain a skill in an area they're interested in.

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The whole thing is unworkable. There are just not enough unfilled jobs out there to give to everyone who is currently unemployed or incapacitated. That is before you even consider wheter or not these people are actually qualified to do the jobs.


It seems as though Dave must have been smoking some of his 'special' (:suspect:) cigarettes when he came up with this one.

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If you want to vote for a cannabis smoking hypocritical opportunist that is up to you. it doesn't mean he is right on this though or that he has thought it out beyond what headlines it will generate


Go on then, please tell us since this is the 5th reference I've seen about cannabis in as many posts, what has cannabis got to do with anything?


Do you honestly believe that no polititians from any other party smoked the stuff?


You seem to be making a big deal out of someone being honest for a change.

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Yeah but if they are not getting any money and have no job how do they support themselves food etc.......................By robbing so no doubt the crime rate will rocket IMHO.


I think, below the headline soundbite the 'meat' of any such policy would take in to account those people who cannot find work (because of a lack of available work), but who do try to find work - those would still be entitled to receive benefit.


I think the targets are those who refuse to work but, apart from being work-shy layabouts, there is no other medical or physical reason why they cannot work.


But, if you're saying that the layabouts who could work, but choose not to will be compelled to get off their backsides to rob because they will lose their 'state income', then I would ask 'they can find the compulsion to rob, why can they not find the compulsion to do what the majority of us do and got to work?'


Addendum - the welfare system should be there for those who deserve it, not those who abuse it.

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Go on then, please tell us since this is the 5th reference I've seen about cannabis in as many posts, what has cannabis got to do with anything?


Do you honestly believe that no polititians from any other party smoked the stuff?


You seem to be making a big deal out of someone being honest for a change.


I don't know who has and who has not smoked it. Thing is Cameron is asking for people's votes and is not even man enough to come clean about any possible illegal activity he has been engaged in himself. Also how stable is somebody on cannabis? Could he make rash or impropper judgements as PM if he were stoned out of his mind?

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I don't know who has and who has not smoked it. Thing is Cameron is asking for people's votes and is not even man enough to come clean about any possible illegal activity he has been engaged in himself. Also how stable is somebody on cannabis? Could he make rash or impropper judgements as PM if he were stoned out of his mind?


I thought about commenting on this - I thought 'it's a wind up - it has to be a wind up'.


But I'm not so sure. I really do believe you are actually libelling a sitting MP.


Do you have proof that he is engaged in such an activity? I mean, right now? Do you know and can prove when requested to do so in a court of law that he is involved in a current and illegal activity?


If not, I really think you should watch what you say and the accusations you are making.


It's on record - it's written down - and if you cannot prove it, it's libel.

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The tories want one benefit for all. one benefit which will be equal to JSA and likely to have requirements (like looking for work). This takes no account of the genuine sick and disabled. They will be the ones unable to fulfil the requirements for this new benefit. They will be the ones kicked off and let to stave (or kill themselves). And what do you know-but the tories have reduced the unemployment rates!


Anyone with good health won't see a problem, but sickness/disability could strike any of you down. Under tory rules even if you were dying of cancer you'd be fit to work.

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