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Another case of putting the criminals human rights first.

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should we get rid of the human rights act then? let the government, other countries etc walk all over us? purely cos a few criminals successfuly use it in their favour?


"claiming his human rights would be breached if he was deported"

HE claimed it, put yourself in a pakastani sex offenders shoes would you try and play the system to make your life easier?


i would, he DID

it doesnt mean we should get rid of human rights, same as we shouldnt get rid of benefits cos people fiddle, same as we shouldnt get rid of the nhs cos people use it when they shouldnt etc etc


people play the system in their interests

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If there was a thread about cultural influences on sexism and attitudes towards women with reasonable folk on it, I'd be on there like a shot. Overall our legal system, and our country work fine, but the area of domestic and sexual abuse needs a lot of work in terms of a better conviction rate and a change in public attitudes.


What I resent, is the way some people (normally foaming at the mouth scummy Daily Mail readers) try and hijack the reporting of cases like this to promote their own bizarre little agendas. Ask them how many hours they have put in volunteering at women's advice centres or how much of their own cash (or mine - given that most of these BNP scum scrounge off my taxes :rant:) they have put into linked causes and they'll grow strangely silent.


It's not genuine concern for the girls involved we're seeing, but a sort of perverse delight that they can use the case to make a point. I'd bet my best pair of high heels that the kind of man who likes to moan about a case like this is (because the perpetrator is an immigrant) is also the kind of man who responds to cases in which a drunk woman in a short skirt is raped with the "well she was asking for it" line.


Some kids have been seriously affected, and all some people can do is think "how does this fit into my warped world view and how can I use this as evidence that the country is ruined and the legal system is corrupt and I am right?"


I think the original offence was beyond disgusting. And I think people trying to "use" it is disgusting as well.


And I must be missing something here, but where has all this "if you are a liberal you don't believe in protecting your own" pile of horse excretement come from? Utter nonsense.


Just because a chap is confident enough that he doesn't feel the need to go round beating his chest and going "I'm well hard me" means he would stand by and watch his family get assaulted in front of him? What very warped views some people have :rolleyes:


What a brilliant post.

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I agree with you that there is probably a (not so) hidden agenda with some of these threads when they're started. But I still don't like the ethos that allows people to indulge either animosity or levity on the subject. We need to have these things brought to our attention, because it can appear that the legal eagles are working to our detriment when they gainsay Home Office requests for deportation orders. Their human rights? pfffft! :)


What do you suggest? There are contentious issues at play here and without actually censoring people how would you propose that either animosity or levity be prevented from putting in an appearance?

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What do you suggest? There are contentious issues at play here and without actually censoring people how would you propose that either animosity or levity be prevented from putting in an appearance?
People get censored on here all the time. Posts are regularly removed if they don't fit in with whatever the prevailing ethos is at the time.


I think this is a serious subject and yet just because some people are suspicious of the op, we have these kneejerk reactions ... the subject has legitimacy, irrespective of the poster.

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People get censored on here all the time. Posts are regularly removed if they don't fit in with whatever the prevailing ethos is at the time.


I think this is a serious subject and yet just because some people are suspicious of the op, we have these kneejerk reactions ... the subject has legitimacy, irrespective of the poster.


If there were someone who had an interesting opinion that was a little more insightful than the usual lame-ass cack about cutting people's testicles off I'd be delighted to enter into a serious discussion - as it is there's little prospect of it and I'll challenge the kind of braindead ideology that says violence is the only cure for violence and relies on raw emotion fuelled by tabloid headlines in place of reason and intellect.

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If there were someone who had an interesting opinion that was a little more insightful than the usual lame-ass cack about cutting people's testicles off I'd be delighted to enter into a serious discussion - as it is there's little prospect of it and I'll challenge the kind of braindead ideology that says violence is the only cure for violence and relies on raw emotion fuelled by tabloid headlines in place of reason and intellect.
And you talk about other people being aggressive in their responses! :help::rolleyes:
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Why don't you start your own forum? that way you could simply ban people who didn't agree with you.

I dont believe in bans or reporting people,,I let people have their say and feel no need to report if,like some, Im not getting my own way.As I stated its very easy to mouth off from behind a keyboard,Take Halibut wouldnt say boo to a goose in person ,I know for a fact he wouldnt dare do it in person so why do it from behind a keyboard,it doesnt really bother me because I know what he his ,one day he's going to mouth off at somebody who is not so easy going as I am..Oh well its his funeral

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I dont believe in bans or reporting people,,I let people have their say and feel no need to report if,like some, Im not getting my own way.As I stated its very easy to mouth off from behind a keyboard,Take Halibut wouldnt say boo to a goose in person ,I know for a fact he wouldnt dare do it in person so why do it from behind a keyboard,it doesnt really bother me because I know what he his ,one day he's going to mouth off at somebody who is not so easy going as I am..Oh well its his funeral


Pretty good on bluster and not very subtle innuendo; not strong on reason, consistency or honesty.

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