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Another case of putting the criminals human rights first.

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Hang on this piece of scum kidnaps,drugs and sexually abuses 2 young girls..then gets 3 years inside AND to stay in the country because his 'uman rights' would be breached


3 ****in years i ask you..**** off get his **** lobbed off lace his pants with salt brand his forehead with the word nonce and send him back.


3 years what a joke.

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Can i just ask - you have regularly posted "how much longer are the people of this country going to put up with it" type posts - what have you done to try and change it, or are you hoping that other people change it for you?


The ballot box may help if you dump that idiot government you silly sods voted in last time.

Just for contrast.

Out here there is no such bull. Foreign convicts serve their time in the lap of luxury. That's 4 to a cell with only a one hour break from their 24 hour lock in and no TV.

They are then dumped at the airport in handcuffs for deportation at their own expense if the cash is available.

No appeal is possible. They broke the law and are kicked out without a bleeding heart liberal in sight.

Tell me who has the job right.

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What do you do to improve your community noddy, apart from endlessly bitch about it here?


Are you one of those trolls that vainly try to wind people up,you're rather infantile you know


I think it's safe to file that answer under 'nothing'.........

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