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The British have been treated unfairly by our own Government

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Thats my point in a way really, not everyone is as lucky as others, some people will have really struggled through this and will feel really let down by the British governments slow response (as always).



Why should I pay for others who have chosen to take holidays that I cannot afford?

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Isn't there another amount of volcanic dust due on the scene?

Is the same thing going to happen again when the next one comes, i also think i heard the last time this certain volcano erupted it lasted 2 years?????


Makes sense to keep them grounded..don't you think?


I cant quote you all as your all asking the same question, i reckon they went a little OTT with this whole thing just over one incident which happend when exactley, its a shame the government don't have the same respect for our army who are in the middle of the desert.


You're all over the place...


Well thats what i heard on the old sky news the other day, are the clouds free of this crap now or are the government taking somewhat of a risk knowing we have only just got rid and theres more on the way?


I spose they're taking advice from those that know what their talking about.


In the past, both the Meteorological Service and the predecesor of NATS were state-owned departments.


They are both now privatised departments, chasing the dollar/shareholders.



Had Air Traffic Control stayed, entirely in public contol, this situation would not have arisen.


If their intent is the Dollar/shareholder why are planes grounded?


Typical of the greedy world today......


Again..if it's greed that's the motivation...why is British airspace empty?



You do seem all over the place on this. People I would think are generally safe. Surely that's what's important.



Btw...where is it you are actually stranded?

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Thats my point in a way really, not everyone is as lucky as others, some people will have really struggled through this and will feel really let down by the British governments slow response (as always).


So if I'm abroad and my dad is taken into hospital then HMG should make immediate arrangements to get me home at the taxpayers expense :huh:

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Why should I pay for others who have chosen to take holidays that I cannot afford?


Too right.


I agree that some of these people have been let down badly, but not by the government, by the airlines. I've seen people on the news who've been trying desperately to get through to airlines on the phone only to be confronted with an answer message saying that the lines are closed and no one is able to take their call, now that is disgusting. They must have loads of staff doing nothing, so I'm sure they could arrange for people to answer phones. And with the prices for flights that are being quoted, I think they're trying to get all their losses back in a couple of days!

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What the hell has happened in the last few days with this volcano farce, the British people have been let down by our inept government big time.

What an absolute joke, hundreds of thousands of people stranded abroad :confused::confused:


Much as I take a massive amount of pleasure in blasting at new labour and their many, many **** ups along with the shameless way they line their own pockets with the deaths of British soldiers and lots of poor sods who get in the way of their cash wars, even I can't blame them for the volcano.


Saying that an ASBO would be in order for the naughty little cloud of ash as it did disrupt so many holidays.

It should also be deported as it would have been convicted of a crime while visiting the UK. :D

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I'd be more concerned about the millions out of work, the millions in need of decent affordable housing. The difference in the cost of healthcare, education etc. between people based upon age, race/ethnicity (Scot/Welsh/English), medical condition etc.

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