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Bouncers in Sheffield


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By "bouncers" do we mean men and women who hold a "Door Supervisors license"?


If so the we should include the brilliant men and women who, for instance, patrol the City Centre through the night and at weekends. As a person who live and works in the City Centre I regularly encounter them on my travels and have found them to be unfailingly courteous and helpful. They were also very helpful to a relative of mine from out of town who got lost in the early hours of the morning and was refused help by the Police and station staff at Midland Station.


They make Sheffield City Centre a safer and pleasant place to be during the night.

No we mean people who actually use the door supervisor badges to work on the doors of of our fair city, 99% of whom are decent people just trying to earn a living like the rest of us and have thier image tarnished by the 1% of morons who think it gives them licence to act like a total testicle and throw thier wieght around, the ones your talking about the city center stewards just need this badge to get that job.


the ops origional question, at the bottom it reffers to a study done in the 90's, which i believe was about 12 years before the SIA system came into force which stopped all the old school lads from working. You still get idiots working the doors, hand certain people a bit of power and they take it way too far. A good perportion of the doorstaff these days are shirt fillers, got the SIA badge as soon as they turned 18 to make some good money but if anything kicks off they are usually the first to go check the ladies toilets and not re appear untill its all died down and swear blind they chased a bloke into there, lol. classic

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