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How do I soundproof my roof?

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In order for the pub to secure a Public Entertainment's Licence and get the bands back on, we have to sound proof the roof to stop noise breakout.


It's a big roof. It isn't flat but goes up and down in a zig zag shape across the room.


We are considering a suspended ceiling (oooh expensive!), mattresses on the roof (free to get hold of but an eyesore), turfing the roof (could be heavy and may lead to future problems)....the list just goes on and on of options - but nothing seems to be realistic for a bunch of DIYers as we are.


One club in town sound proofed their roof recently and it cost £40K!!! Not good, we may be there for another year, but cannot afford that....not cost effective.


Does anyone know of any ways to sound proof a roof that won't cost a fortune?

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Sort of.....along the lines of this sort of thing but I just 'know' that this sort of thing will cost a tiny fortune. I'm looking for alternatives, using items that can be found around the home or at the shop down the road. Specialist items like these will set us back the £40K that I mentioned in the first post.

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I think you guys are right, what ever you use it is going to have to comply with fire regs as it is a public building. So all this matress and egg box theory is no good. So its either £40k for proper soundproofing or.....


Why not just turn the sound down, so you are under the recommended decibel level, or give the locals free beer once a week so they shut up complaining.;)

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