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Ryan air refuse to pay.

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Hi, I didn't know about being able to change flights online. That's useful info, thanks. It wasn't the case in Oct 2008 otherwise I'm sure they would have said so in their "get lost" letters we have from them.


Yes we're trying to challenge them in court - my long post above explains why this is difficult and the options available. It's a numbers game to the airlines - make it difficult and most people will give up.


The terms and conditions bit is irrelevant really. They cannot deny your statutory rights under EC261 and their terms say so: "Your rights under EU Regulation 261/2004 are unaffected".


The changing of flights due to a cancellation has always been there, I've used it in the past well before the date you mention.


but good luck with your claim if you feel you have a case against them.


another tip, always book your journeys seperately i.e outward, then inwards for example booking a flight from spain to UK for your inward flight, you pay in euro's ok rate not that great but adds up, look after the pennies, pounds look after themselves ;)

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Thanks! We're only persuing the compensation element at the mo which looks cut n dried.


If we're exchanging tips, mine is to print out a copy of the real EC261, not the airline's interpretation of it, and take it with you. It's short and clearly written. Then if something does go wrong you at least know your rights.




Looking for info on your EC261 rights for costs / compensation? See post 75

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Thanks! We're only persuing the compensation element at the mo which looks cut n dried.


If we're exchanging tips, mine is to print out a copy of the real EC261, not the airline's interpretation of it, and take it with you. It's short and clearly written. Then if something does go wrong you at least know your rights.




Looking for info on your EC261 rights for costs / compensation? See post 75


Thanks for your tip, but the way I see it in a situation like has been this last week then they are covered in thier terms.


I do loads of travelling by air, longest delay I had was 4 hours was on a ryanair flight, and was a knock on effect with a delay at another airport but all credit to them they issued vouchers for food and drink.

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EC261 has two elements: compensation and duty of care.


The compensation is a fixed amount depending on distance. Duty of care is food and accommodation.


Thanks for your tip, but the way I see it in a situation like has been this last week then they are covered in thier terms.


The bit of their terms you quote is this:


Ryanair does not provide monetary compensation under Article 7 of EU Regulation 261/2004 for flights which are delayed or cancelled for reasons beyond Ryanair's control (extraordinary circumstances).


That's right. The legislation says that the compensation element (only) is not payable in extraordinary circumstances. So Ryanair's term says the same as the legislation.


Your quote describes some of EC261's articles on duty of care:


If a flight is cancelled, passengers are automatically entitled to their choice of (a.) re-routing to the same destination at the earliest opportunity (under comparable conditions); (b.) later rerouting, at the passenger's convenience, to the same destination under comparable conditions (subject to seat availability); or (c.) a refund of the ticket as well as a return flight to the point of first departure, when relevant. Any ticket refund is the price paid for the flight(s) not used, plus the cost of flights already flown in cases where the cancellation has made those flights of no purpose. Where applicable, passengers are also entitled to refreshments, communication and accommodation as described below. Where re-routing is to another airport serving the same destination, the airline must pay for onward transport to the original airport or to a close-by destination agreed with the passenger. These choices, and the entitlement to refreshments, etc., apply to all cancellations, regardless of whether the circumstances are extraordinary or not.


So passengers should get rerouting plus accommodation and food arranged or paid for (by sending in receipts).


The airlines might get out of the compensation part by saying it's extraordinary circumstances. :)

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Re-routing they do if for example you were flying to girona they could not land there but land in malaga, then they have to get you to girona at thier cost, yes you are correct, but if the flight is cancelled they can either offer you a refund of flight, or the next available flight anything else would have to be agreed with you and the airline.


So from how I see it in your situation your flight was cancelled (fog) so thier only obligation is refund or another flight at earliest oppertunity, any other costs should be sought from your travel insurance.


Again they cover themselves with that because it was offered when you booked.


If your flight outward is cancelled, they have to offer refund of both outward and return or re-booking at no extra cost, even if rebooking flights are more expensive.

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Nothing surprises me with Ryanair. It does amaze me they treat there customers like crap but they still keep coming back.


I guess there are alot of people out there that dont mind been treated like crap as long as the price is right.

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