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Why should you care what happens when you're dead?

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Here today, gone tomorrow?

Live for the moment?

Stuff the kids, spend their inheritance?

Enjoy it while you can?

You can't take it with you?

No pockets in shrouds?

Sod the environment?



What will be your legacy?

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Here today, gone tomorrow?

Live for the moment?

Stuff the kids, spend their inheritance?

Enjoy it while you can?

You can't take it with you?

No pockets in shrouds?

Sod the environment?



What will be your legacy?


In a bit...

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Minor fly in he ointment.

All that bonking is energy consuming and the sleepless nights making sure the little bugger is OK for milk is a bit wasted if you knacker the environment and toss away what cash you have to give them.

Of course if the Buddhists have got things nailed, you are crapping in your own pot.

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Why would you assume that when your dead what continues in the world we are aware of now has no relevance? It doesn't matter what you believe, until your dead you just won't know. You can't pray to every god just incase, but you can damn well set your children up well just incase.


Besides doing things for other people creates long life and happiness.

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You are either scattered on the floor, buried six feet below but come cdown here, cthe clubs are open 24/7 and the cbooze is free, suit Grahame to a T If you can't stand the heat don't get out of the kitchen its the same everywhere.

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Stuff the kids, spend their inheritance?

Enjoy it while you can?

You can't take it with you?


That's what I keep telling my parents. Never mind faffing about with life insurance. I can take care of myself now so they should keep the money and go out and enjoy themselves.


I doubt I'll leave much behind when I go. :hihi:

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All that bonking is energy consuming and the sleepless nights making sure the little bugger is OK for milk is a bit wasted if you knacker the environment and toss away what cash you have to give them.


Having 2 children increases your "carbon footprint" by a factor of 40. Not 40% but 40x.


The research also makes it clear that potential carbon impacts vary dramatically across countries. The average long-term carbon impact of a child born in the U.S. – along with all of its descendants – is more than 160 times the impact of a child born in Bangladesh.


Under current conditions in the U.S., for instance, each child ultimately adds about 9,441 metric tons of carbon dioxide to the carbon legacy of an average parent – about 5.7 times the lifetime emissions for which, on average, a person is responsible.




So our current benefits policy, which allows chavs to breed like rats, rather makes a mockery of the government's so-called "green" credentials.

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