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One for the women - sterilisation options

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Ok, so I'm keen over the next year or so to make my decision not to have kids a permanent one.


Admittedly I am in absolutely NO need of any form of contraception at the moment :rolleyes:, but I think I will be up for a contract later this year which should provide quite a bit of spare cash so would be a good investment (plan on going private).


So just wondering if anyone has had anything done or knows anyone who has? I can see quite a few options out there. Tubal ligation. Essure and Adiana are the new ones (seem a bit TOO new at the moment :confused:). Google reveals a few "scare stories" about things failing and women being sick for ages afterwards, which would be a disaster for me :help:


What's on my mind is:


1. Scarring - I have never had a child and have a pretty flat stomach - I don't want a massive scar.


2. Being effective - do these things ever fail?


3. This might be a bit ambitious, but I'm sick of having a few days a month swallowing painkillers and feeling like *£%$!£"$. It's meant to be part of being a woman, but if there is some surgical way of stopping my periods forever I'd be delighted.


Thanks :)

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drs wont normally go for permenent sterilisation of people not in a long term relationship or that dont already have kids


Not if I'm going private :) Marie Stopes for one do it.


what about taking a couple of half bricks to ya fella?


That's an idea. And it would save me a few grand as well. It's lucky I'm single (well, lucky for men, anyway :suspect:)

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The cuts for a laparoscopic tubal ligation are minuscule. There'll be one in your belly button (so it's hidden) and a 2nd small one also same size, about 1.5 cm in length, down by your hip.




No contraceptive is 100%, but it's about the next most effective after the word "NO!!" :hihi: there are the very rare recorded cases of women becoming pregnant after TL, but it's most uncommon.


dealing with painful periods:-


Sadly, TL doesn't do much for bad period pains. The Pill is supposed to be good for relieving painful periods/ making them lighter and shorter in duration, but it sort of defeats the object of putting yourself through TL, doesn't it, if you are going to continue taking the Pill as a means of controlling bad periods.


Endometrial Ablation, or Hysterectomy may be the solution (albeit drastic) if you have, say, fibroids, which are causing you to have heavy and painful periods.

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Jesus, I'd rather carry a condom then have irreversible surgery for a minute and a half's worth of fun every birthday.




Condoms for protection against STDs + Something more permanent for protection against pregnancy = no unwanted kids, ever. How old are you? Would you like to become a dad and bust up your career plans because someones fingernail accidentally puts a tear in the Durex on a night out?

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