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Tanned/Fake Tanned People

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Now I have nothing against people doing what they want, even if it does seem odd to the rest of us. However, in recent times I have witnessed people sporting tans/fake tans. Now, this wouldn't normally make me waste time by creating a thread, but the bottom line is....... these people are orange in colour.


Why?! Since when has the Dickenson/Akroyd look been something to be seen proud of :huh:




Really, would you go for the above look?


Well there's popping on a spot of fake tan for a night out to sort out your milk bottles and a bit of tanning mousturiser... and then theres tanning til your tangoed!! Seriously cannot understand orange people... and where on earth do they find the time to do it??

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I agree Hayley. Although I'm not impartial really, don't get me wrong, I do brush my hair and stuff lol, but I just don't really understand any type of preening that takes up lots of time that could be spent doing something far more important. Each to their own, but too much fake tan is a bit scary...I much prefer the natural look.

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