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Labours contept for democracy.

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Point out where it says they hate my ex. Not seen that bit in their manifesto.


The fact they do not like non-whites is something I understand. The fact they may think non-whites inferior is something else I understand. It is how they think and I would not dream of telling someone what they should think or not think.


I'm genuinely fascinated - you say you understand their thinking that non-whites are inferior. Could you expand on that please?

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I'm genuinely fascinated - you say you understand their thinking that non-whites are inferior. Could you expand on that please?


You have all sorts of people who think others are inferior. You have doctors who think street sweepers are inferior. You have street sweepers who think those on the dole are inferior. You have everyone who thinks chavs are inferior. And you have John X who thinks I am inferior. So what does it matter if they believe non-whites are inferior. Just let them join the superiority club like everyone else seems to be a member of.

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You have all sorts of people who think others are inferior. You have doctors who think street sweepers are inferior. You have street sweepers who think those on the dole are inferior. You have everyone who thinks chavs are inferior. And you have John X who thinks I am inferior. So what does it matter if they believe non-whites are inferior. Just let them join the superiority club like everyone else seems to be a member of.


And you're happy to join it too?

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Well show us the facts and figures to back up your claims. Not too difficult a thing to ask for is it? Or perhaps it is.


You seem to state there is good solid believable information to show that immigration into Britain is not a problem at all. Share.


I admit I am not JohnX but you were given a whole load of evidence just a few posts preceding.


Check out the links to the studies on the Facts page here.



You will find plenty of evidence.


Followed up by further clarification for you:


1) Workers create jobs by boosting the economy and creating demands for services, they do this regardless of their immigration status. It does not take an advanced understanding economics to know we don't have a fixed number of jobs available.


2) see above workers stimulate the economy by creating demands and those within the system pay taxes that fund the NHS. Furthermore immigrant workers tend to be of an age group that are net contributors to the NHS and services.


3) see above they stimulate the economy by increasing the demand in the domestic market.


4) by looking at the analysis in the reports and a basic understanding of economics


You will find more answers by clicking on the references to the statements made and looking at the methodology used in their analysis and their conclusions. That is the form evidence would take. What form were you expecting it to take?


As for the name of the website, so what? It is the sort of name you would expect to find on a website collecting information together to bust the myths about immigration.


It has simply collated the evidence together, look at the reports and criticise them if you think they don't look credible.


So why then are you asking for facts and figures to back up JohnX's claims when they were given to you just a few posts earlier?


You are quick to sum people up who disagree with your point of view. Sort of expected really.


Not as quick as you are to forget what has been raised.


It is not facts you appear to be after but something else. You appear to be in denial.


Do you want to blame immigrants? why is your memory so selective?

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We are a tiny Island. Very tiny relatively speaking. Let them settle elsewhere.


Just stop spouting the same old rhetoric and show me the facts that the BNP are out to get an all white Britain.


The facts are that Britain has the 7th largest island in the world but that Barbados has triple the population density.


Where would you rather live? ;)

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And you're happy to join it too?


I know some people are less intelligent than me, less wealthy than me, not as fit as I am, and so on - does that make them inferior? I don't think so. But that is just my opinion, and other people have different opinions. If you want to think me inferior to you because of my faith, for instance, then you are entitled to believe that. I would not condemn you for it, nor use it in every single debate.

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I admit I am not JohnX but you were given a whole load of evidence just a few posts preceding.




Followed up by further clarification for you:




So why then are you asking for facts and figures to back up JohnX's claims when they were given to you just a few posts earlier?




Not as quick as you are to forget what has been raised.


It is not facts you appear to be after but something else. You appear to be in denial.


Do you want to blame immigrants? why is your memory so selective?


No facts were supplied in response to the questions I posed. What was supplied were the stories that abound concerning the BNP - people's opinions and fairy stories. What has been offered is what people believe the BNP think and not their proposals as laid out in their manifesto.


This happens again and again on BNP bashing threads and when all these people have given their misinformed, bias, and fantasy 'so called' facts - you pop in and state the facts have been shown previously.


The only person who has even tried appears to be Halibut. The rest all seem to be based around scare stories and rumour mongering.

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