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Labours contept for democracy.

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The facts are that Britain has the 7th largest island in the world but that Barbados has triple the population density.


Where would you rather live? ;)


And as a country rather than an Island - how many larger countries do immigrants pass before arriving at the UK? Countries where they could settle. And for that matter - why bother leaving their homes to begin with? War drives people into bordering countries - which excludes Britain. Same goes for famine and all the rest. But they do not move to neighbouring countries, nor appear to have the intent of ever returning to their home countries.

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That's really a bit of a nonsense though isn't it? The UK is only a geographic island nit a geopolitical one. As such we have to play our part in the world and a part of that involves receiving refugees past the point of first safety.


To think otherwise would be extremely niaive and I'm not sure that you are.

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That's really a bit of a nonsense though isn't it? The UK is only a geographic island nit a geopolitical one. As such we have to play our part in the world and a part of that involves receiving refugees past the point of first safety.


To think otherwise would be extremely niaive and I'm not sure that you are.


Again - does not really answer any questions does it? And we have to play our part in the world but there is always going to be someone who condemns us for having played that part - re. Afganistan; Kuwait; Serbia and so on.

Does not matter what we do or do not do - someone is always waiting to condemn us for it.

We should not have to continue receiving immigrants when there are other countries as capable - if not moreso - of taking them.

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Again - does not really answer any questions does it? And we have to play our part in the world but there is always going to be someone who condemns us for having played that part - re. Afganistan; Kuwait; Serbia and so on.

Does not matter what we do or do not do - someone is always waiting to condemn us for it.

We should not have to continue receiving immigrants when there are other countries as capable - if not moreso - of taking them.


Here's another quote from Mr Griffin for you Dragon - I'd be interested to hear your views.


"Without the White race nothing matters [other right-wing parties] believe that the answer to the race question is integration and a futile attempt to create "Black Britons", while we affirm that non-Whites have no place here at all and will not rest until every last one has left our land."

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Here's another quote from Mr Griffin for you Dragon - I'd be interested to hear your views.


"Without the White race nothing matters [other right-wing parties] believe that the answer to the race question is integration and a futile attempt to create "Black Britons", while we affirm that non-Whites have no place here at all and will not rest until every last one has left our land."


To be honest with you Halibut - that statement shows the man is a - I cannot swear on here. I know some really nice none-whites who are British. My problem is not with the non-whites in Britain - it is with immigration.

As I said before - we know the BNP are extremely unlikely to get into power, but maybe if they get enough votes the other parties will consider changing their priorites.

And I do know that education and health are priorities, but they are used by the three main parties at every single election and very little seems to get done. Maybe shock tactics won't work. We shall see.

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To be honest with you Halibut - that statement shows the man is a - I cannot swear on here. I know some really nice none-whites who are British. My problem is not with the non-whites in Britain - it is with immigration.

As I said before - we know the BNP are extremely unlikely to get into power, but maybe if they get enough votes the other parties will consider changing their priorites.

And I do know that education and health are priorities, but they are used by the three main parties at every single election and very little seems to get done. Maybe shock tactics won't work. We shall see.


He's a turd in a suit, Dragon. Have you had a really good look at what the current government is doing regading immigration - and what the other serious parties propose? I'm quite sure you'll find that the main parties do in fact recognise that Immigration is an issue that concerns many people and that they do have measures planned to deal with it.

Just don't give your vote to a pathetic excuse for a human being like Griffin.

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Again - does not really answer any questions does it? And we have to play our part in the world but there is always going to be someone who condemns us for having played that part - re. Afganistan; Kuwait; Serbia and so on.

Does not matter what we do or do not do - someone is always waiting to condemn us for it.

We should not have to continue receiving immigrants when there are other countries as capable - if not moreso - of taking them.


Are we talking about people seeking asylum or immigrants?

We don't have to receive immigrants from outside of europe, we decide whether to let them stay or not.

We already take less asylum seekers than other comparable eu countries.


Our immigration policies needs some changes, but the way to achieve that is not to vote BNP.

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He's a turd in a suit, Dragon. Have you had a really good look at what the current government is doing regading immigration - and what the other serious parties propose? I'm quite sure you'll find that the main parties do in fact recognise that Immigration is an issue that concerns many people and that they do have measures planned to deal with it.

Just don't give your vote to a pathetic excuse for a human being like Griffin.


I have looked at the manifestos of the other parties and they are very softly softly on the immigration topic. No-one seems to want to address the topic.


And moreover - it is not just the major parties. It seems no-one wants to address the questions I have posted on here other than by scare stories and their ideas of what others are thinking.


As has been stated on other threads - the leader of a party is not the party. We do not vote for the man, we vote for the party, and this is based upon the proposals they make in their manifesto.

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Are we talking about people seeking asylum or immigrants?

We don't have to receive immigrants from outside of europe, we decide whether to let them stay or not.

We already take less asylum seekers than other comparable eu countries.


Our immigration policies needs some changes, but the way to achieve that is not to vote BNP.


We had 100 000 illegal immigrants of whom 20 000 were sent back wherever, and the other 80 000 disappeared - one report I have seen.

Are you saying that these asylum seekers are coming here seeking asylum and are able to start up new businesses so to help with employment in this country - as has been stated elsewhere on this thread - though not substantiated by the person making the claim.


And at the same time we are turning away - kicking out - or not allowing those who perhaps should have rights to be in Britain - such as colonials and I recall something about certain soldiers who fought for Britain during the war not being allowed in.


It is fine for us to accept countless thousands of so called asylum seekers from third world countries, but not to open our doors to people who should have the right to live here.

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Again - does not really answer any questions does it? And we have to play our part in the world but there is always going to be someone who condemns us for having played that part - re. Afganistan; Kuwait; Serbia and so on.

Does not matter what we do or do not do - someone is always waiting to condemn us for it.

We should not have to continue receiving immigrants when there are other countries as capable - if not moreso - of taking them.


Let's take a look at some of those facts that you've been seeking. I'll only use Wikipedia since you could easily go and check this yourself and I'll keep it to just a snapshot of a few nations adjacent to conflicts.




1.7m registered Afghan refugees in Pakistan from the 6m that have crossed the border since 1979. They are allowed to work and study in Pakistan.

Between 1.6 and 2.7 Kashmir refugees



has 935,000 registered Afghan refugees.



150,000 Tibeten refugees



1.5m Burmese refugees.


Sri Lanka (the holiday paradise for westerners) has millions of refugees spread around the world, mainly in Thailand, Malaysia and India.



Look, I could go on and on and on but it is false to say that other nations don't do their bit. Do you honestly in your heart of hearts expect third-world and developing nations like Bangladesh, Pakistan, India and Iran to receive all the worlds refugees because they happen to be next door?


Imagine how bad it has to be for 1.5m people to escape from Burma to live in an illegal disease ridden Thai refugee camp the size of Birmingham.


Try some education: http://www.refugeecouncil.org.uk http://www.unhcr.org.uk



If you truly believe that the UK should not do its bit you have spent too long in your ivory tower.

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