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Labours contept for democracy.

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What about the fact that they intend to change the law so the non-white members of your family have less rights than the whites? Is that OK with you?


Nope. I already agreed with you that there is much about them that I disagree with. But listening to people like wildcat fabricate facts, and all the slagging off the BNP get makes me wonder whether I should just be a sheep and follow others so that I do not get verbally assaulted - like a good little puppet - or whether I should make up my mind and do what I think is right.


To be honest - if the best other parties can come up with is the diatribe spouted by sf members against the BNP then god help us all.

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DragonofAna, what are you trying to deduce from your facts?


I have not acquired any fact. Only heresay. And the only person who is giving a reasonable arguement against the BNP is Halibut. At least he is not resorting to spouting the same garbage over and over.

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Diatribe? I think you'll find that's just BNP policies being quoted. :|


Let's try this the other way around. Can you point to lies being said about the BNP?


Lies? Possibly not. However I am informed that because the leader of the BNP THINKS Britain should be all white then I should avoid him. I am told He THINKS this and he THINKS that and I am wary of him because of this. But I THINK alot of things and that's my business - as long as I do not set about imposing what I think on others.


In the BNP Manifesto there is nothing mentioned about an all white Britain. There is nothing mentioned about non-white Brits being outcast. There is no mention of nazi activities. Yet all these things are thrown against them.


It goes on, but what the heck. Which other party wants to get us out of Europe?

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Guest sibon

In the BNP Manifesto there is nothing mentioned about an all white Britain. There is nothing mentioned about non-white Brits being outcast. There is no mention of nazi activities. Yet all these things are thrown against them.



One of the problems with the BNP manifesto is that it doesn't actually say what it means. The BNP leadership have openly admitted that they dare not put their real policies in their manifesto. As you like evidence,

at his most evasive. Make sure that you stick with it to the "every last one must go" bit at least.


Their Economic, Education and Foreign Policies are a bit of a joke also. They would take us back to the 1960s. But is is the clear, racist undercurrent to their policies that worry me most.


Think carefully about voting for them. Find out more about Griffin and his cronies. The more you dig, the more revolting they become. Most of the other parties have pretty robust immigration policies if that is your major concern. Try checking them out.

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Ukip is a waste of space in my opinion, cleverly invented to take away the more moderate supporters of the BNP, and probably for no other reason than that.


How can you say that UKIP is a waste of space whilst suggesting that a vote for the BNP is meaningful.


Isn't a party for more moderate (ie not outright racist bigots) people who want out of Europe a good thing? Or don't you like to think of yourself as moderate?

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Lies? Possibly not. However I am informed that because the leader of the BNP THINKS Britain should be all white then I should avoid him. I am told He THINKS this and he THINKS that and I am wary of him because of this. But I THINK alot of things and that's my business - as long as I do not set about imposing what I think on others.

He's a politician, he thinks that he should rule the country. Which means he has every intention of imposing what he thinks on everyone else, given the chance.

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