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Labours contept for democracy.

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Do get your facts right GetItDone.


Labour's planned electoral reforms will mean that Labour, Conservative, Lib Dem or any other party will need 50%+ of the vote to be elected.


You can get treatment for paranoid delusions GetItDone.


As i have already said...They are shifting the goal-posts because they know the BNP are on the rise -just like the EU shifted the goal-posts by raising the threshold of MEPs to 25 to be able to form a European Parliament grouping and receive public funding worth up to £1 million per year.

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Well folks, there you have it. A hole.

Will GitD come back and try to dig himself out of it?


As i have already said...They are shifting the goal-posts because they know the BNP are on the rise -just like the EU shifted the goal-posts by raising the threshold of MEPs to 25 to be able to form a European Parliament grouping and receive public funding worth up to £1 million per year.


Hmmm. Yeah, he did, but completely unconvincingly - quelle surprise!

Does the paranoia of the white supremacist community know no bounds?

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Why is it that as soon as anyone mentions being against a multicultural society they are labelled as being white supremacists or Nazis or similar?


Being against having a multicultural Britain does not make you a white supremacist at all. I acknowledge that there are many none-white people who are more intelligent than me; stronger than me; faster than me. I do not want gas chambers; mass executions; or similar.


So how am I am white supremacist nazi?


Yet I support many of the ideas of the BNP. I think most white people would like Britain to remain a predominantly white country - but of course that is an assumption by me based upon the people I speak to in general. I think we do need not only to stop immigration, but also to reduce the number of immigrants already in the country. And so on and so on.


I suppose because I agree with some of the things I see in the BNP manifesto then I must be a white supremacist nazi, or I must be a brainless moronic thug ex-jailbird skinheaded tattooed, beer guzzling scrounger with no morals. But I wish someone could explain how.

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...They are shifting the goal-posts because they know the BNP are on the rise


The problem is, no-one gives a monkeys!


You and some others may have got excited when the BNP swapped footie tops and DMs for badly-fitting suits and shiny shoes from George of ASDA, but they are still the same silly little neo-Nazi party with absolutely chance of getting anywhere near power.


And as someone has already pointed out, if you really want to examine contempt for democracy, look inside the BNP itself.


John X

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The problem is, no-one gives a monkeys!


You and some others may have got excited when the BNP swapped footie tops and DMs for badly-fitting suits and shiny shoes from George of ASDA, but they are still the same silly little neo-Nazi party with absolutely chance of getting anywhere near power.


And as someone has already pointed out, if you really want to examine contempt for democracy, look inside the BNP itself.


John X




I have shiny shoes from george of asda and i hate the BNP ;)

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Being against having a multicultural Britain does not make you a white supremacist at all.


No of course it doesn't, but it does make you look a bit of a saddo who can't get on with his fellow man and who would prefer to live in an all-white Britain.


At the end of the day we live in a multicultural Britain, and short of forced repatriation, that will not change. Embrace it and you may find yourself a happier and less bitter person. You would certainly get a broader view of the world.


And by the way, 92% of the UK is white. less than 6% vote BNP so your claim that "most white people would like Britain to remain a predominantly white country" is way off mate. But you were honest enough to say that this impression was based on the people you 'speak to in general'.


As I said earlier, if you mixed more you'd get a broader and more realistic view of the world.


John X


(and norks, I also have George of ASDA shoes and hate the BNP even more than you! :))

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The point of any proposed electoral change is to make the system more fair.

It isn't targeted at any specific party and will apply to all of them equally.


I doubt it will make any difference to the BNP, do they currently have any MP's?

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As i have already said...They are shifting the goal-posts because they know the BNP are on the rise



How does making it tougher for a Conservative, Lib-Dem, Labour or Communist candidate to be elected, qualify as taking action against the BNP? You do need to explain that.

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