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Labours contept for democracy.

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Why is it that as soon as anyone mentions being against a multicultural society they are labelled as being white supremacists or Nazis or similar?


To be fair it doesn't help when they post articles by white supremacists to justify their arguments as GetItDone did on a previous (now deleted) thread!

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No of course it doesn't, but it does make you look a bit of a saddo who can't get on with his fellow man and who would prefer to live in an all-white Britain.


At the end of the day we live in a multicultural Britain, and short of forced repatriation, that will not change. Embrace it and you may find yourself a happier and less bitter person. You would certainly get a broader view of the world.


And by the way, 92% of the UK is white. less than 6% vote BNP so your claim that "most white people would like Britain to remain a predominantly white country" is way off mate. But you were honest enough to say that this impression was based on the people you 'speak to in general'.


As I said earlier, if you mixed more you'd get a broader and more realistic view of the world.


John X


(and norks, I also have George of ASDA shoes and hate the BNP even more than you! :))


Well either I did not type what my brain was telling me to type or you misread my post. Hardly any surprise there really - in either instance. I am sure I put that I had based my "most people would..." on the people I had spoken to, which is not the general population. And just because only 6% of the whole population voted bnp means nothing. Is that 6% of the people who voted or just 6% of the population? And many people who support some of the ideas behind the BNP do not bother to vote. They do not even bother to voice an opinion for fear of getting branded as racists and nazis.


I shall stick by my opinion regardless of your comments concerning Britain.

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To be fair it doesn't help when they post articles by white supremacists to justify their arguments as GetItDone did on a previous (now deleted) thread!


I agree with you. But there is a middle ground which is not being covered seriously by any of the three main parties.

You have libdems who really do not seem to like the idea of stopping immigration; Labour who have been happy, it seems, to let it happen and be out of control; and the Conservatives who don't give a damn as long as the wealthy get more cash in their pockets. UKIP are a waste of space in my opinion. So although I do not like a great deal about the BNP, they are the only group who SEEM to be addressing some of the issues I have.

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As i have already said...They are shifting the goal-posts because they know the BNP are on the rise...


Both Labour & Lib Dem are proposing major electoral reforms. This is because the voting public are demanding reform in the wake of the MPs expenses scandal and a tacit acknowlegement that first past the post is now a discredited system of voting.


It's still not too late to obtain treatment for delusional paranoia by the way.

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Well either I did not type what my brain was telling me to type or you misread my post. Hardly any surprise there really - in either instance. I am sure I put that I had based my "most people would..." on the people I had spoken to, which is not the general population. And just because only 6% of the whole population voted bnp means nothing. Is that 6% of the people who voted or just 6% of the population? And many people who support some of the ideas behind the BNP do not bother to vote. They do not even bother to voice an opinion for fear of getting branded as racists and nazis.


I shall stick by my opinion regardless of your comments concerning Britain.


It's a fair question and I expect that you know know the answer , but it occurs to me that the people who vote BNP seem to be particular motivated to vote for that particular party so the voting results aren't a fair representation of the wider popular vote. In short, the BNP support is less than 6%



However, the proportional representation system that returned a couple of facists racists homophobes BNP leaders into the million quid a year European Parliament that they so despise.


If that same PR were translated into a popular vote they wouldn't receive anything like the same result so if I were the BNP I'd be keeping very quiet about electoral reform.


The current system works very well for them and their oberfuhrers leaders bank accounts.

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No of course it doesn't, but it does make you look a bit of a saddo who can't get on with his fellow man and who would prefer to live in an all-white Britain.


At the end of the day we live in a multicultural Britain, and short of forced repatriation, that will not change. Embrace it and you may find yourself a happier and less bitter person. You would certainly get a broader view of the world.


And by the way, 92% of the UK is white. less than 6% vote BNP so your claim that "most white people would like Britain to remain a predominantly white country" is way off mate. But you were honest enough to say that this impression was based on the people you 'speak to in general'.


As I said earlier, if you mixed more you'd get a broader and more realistic view of the world.


John X


(and norks, I also have George of ASDA shoes and hate the BNP even more than you! :))


LOL I see so multicutural Britian is 92% white.


When the BNP get exactly the same teatment as any other party by the media and groups specifically set up to undermine their efforts it's only then you can seriously use 6% of the vote as some sort of realistic figure.


Until then I suggest it's you who needs to wisen up and get a bit more realistic.

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Their are groups specifically set up to undermine every political party, most are completely open about it and are simply other political parties with differing opinions.

And the media is routinely harsh to all political parties except the ones they have a bias towards. The BNP doesn't get treatment any more special than NuLabor or the Monster Raving Loony Party.

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Their are groups specifically set up to undermine every political party, most are completely open about it and are simply other political parties with differing opinions.

And the media is routinely harsh to all political parties except the ones they have a bias towards. The BNP doesn't get treatment any more special than NuLabor or the Monster Raving Loony Party.


LOL like I said some people need to be more realistic but that may take a while. :hihi:

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