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You mean they come over here, claim benefits, and then set up business's? Wow! Find that hard to believe.


That just about sums up your petty little, narrow-minded bigotry.


You know nothing and are not prepared to question anything you have ever believed since you were what, 12 years old?


When you have cast your vote for the BNP on May 6th. and wake up on May 7th. to find out nothing has actually changed, maybe you should think about things a bit more deeply than just 'the immigrants have got all our jobs!'


John X

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That just about sums up your petty little, narrow-minded bigotry.


You know nothing and are not prepared to question anything you have ever believed since you were what, 12 years old?


When you have cast your vote for the BNP on May 6th. and wake up on May 7th. to find out nothing has actually changed, maybe you should think about things a bit more deeply than just 'the immigrants have got all our jobs!'


John X


And your posts are so sad they make me feel sorry for you. I was asking for proof that all these immigrants have created jobs - which seems strange considering unemployment continues to rise.


But in your narrow minded way you continue to ignore fact and play the much used card of the BNP are all bigots and braindead morons.


Give me proof is all I ask. So do it.

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And your posts are so sad they make me feel sorry for you. I was asking for proof that all these immigrants have created jobs - which seems strange considering unemployment continues to rise.


But in your narrow minded way you continue to ignore fact and play the much used card of the BNP are all bigots and braindead morons.


Give me proof is all I ask. So do it.


Check out the links to the studies on the Facts page here.



You will find plenty of evidence.

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Check out the links to the studies on the Facts page here.



You will find plenty of evidence.


And I suppose I am just supposed to accept those claims without question and think the world is such a lovely place.



1) How can 100 000 illegal or otherwise immigrants create more jobs unless they all have the finances to set up their own businesses?

2) Would 100 000 immigrants not add to the burden of the national health system?

3) The claim is that immigrants are responsible for higher wages - explain.

4) Without comparrisons as to a Britain without these immigrants how can I know that these things would not have happened anyhow?


I could go on but if your resource is a site called "I love immigrants" then you can conjure up anything you want.

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To be fair it doesn't help when they post articles by white supremacists to justify their arguments as GetItDone did on a previous (now deleted) thread!


The article - as it apeared on here - had no racial dimension to it at all.


and as he has done with this thread.


Its funny how you can't back that up this time.

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Check out the links to the studies on the Facts page here.



You will find plenty of evidence.


Is that a spoof website or is it for real?? "I love immigrants"..what a bunch of idiots :hihi:


Who WANTS immigrants?? i mean, fair enough, not everyone is particularly concerned about immigrants, but what normal people go out of their way to declare that they "love" people that they dont know coming into the country??


The only people who WANT immigrants are the global capitalist's who want cheap labour and silly one-world Marxist/communists...what an unholy alliance that is!!

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And your posts are so sad they make me feel sorry for you.


Let's get away from the politics for a moment and look at things like happiness, aspirations, personality and character.


You. Small minded, insecure, fearful, bitter, resentful, easily led by newspaper headlines and quick to believe 'facts' that are nothing more than lies from people with an agenda. You only feel safe in your 'all white' ghetto with white faces around you. :(

Me. Open minded, well travelled, curious, balanced, enquiring, comfortable, happy in my own and all kinds of different company, welcoming of difference and diversity. I have close friends of all races, creeds and colours :)


Sad is the very last thing I am!


John X

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Let's get away from the politics for a moment and look at things like happiness, aspirations, personality and character.


You. Small minded, insecure, fearful, bitter, resentful, easily led by newspaper headlines and quick to believe 'facts' that are nothing more than lies from people with an agenda. You only feel safe in your 'all white' ghetto with white faces around you. :(

Me. Open minded, well travelled, curious, balanced, enquiring, comfortable, happy in my own and all kinds of different company, welcoming of difference and diversity. I have close friends of all races, creeds and colours :)


Sad is the very last thing I am!


John X


I do not read newspapers. I am quite happy and secure. No bitterness on my part. I do tend to feel safer in all white areas though.

I do not know you so cannot comment on what you say about yourself.


However - you have not answered a single question so - who is the narrow minded one.


I am quite open to being persuaded that immigration is good - if you can prove it - and I bet my bottom dollar that you cannot - which is why you just come attacking the poster rather than answering the post.

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And I suppose I am just supposed to accept those claims without question and think the world is such a lovely place.



1) How can 100 000 illegal or otherwise immigrants create more jobs unless they all have the finances to set up their own businesses?

2) Would 100 000 immigrants not add to the burden of the national health system?

3) The claim is that immigrants are responsible for higher wages - explain.

4) Without comparrisons as to a Britain without these immigrants how can I know that these things would not have happened anyhow?


I could go on but if your resource is a site called "I love immigrants" then you can conjure up anything you want.


1) Workers create jobs by boosting the economy and creating demands for services, they do this regardless of their immigration status. It does not take an advanced understanding economics to know we don't have a fixed number of jobs available.


2) see above workers stimulate the economy by creating demands and those within the system pay taxes that fund the NHS. Furthermore immigrant workers tend to be of an age group that are net contributors to the NHS and services.


3) see above they stimulate the economy by increasing the demand in the domestic market.


4) by looking at the analysis in the reports and a basic understanding of economics


You will find more answers by clicking on the references to the statements made and looking at the methodology used in their analysis and their conclusions. That is the form evidence would take. What form were you expecting it to take?


As for the name of the website, so what? It is the sort of name you would expect to find on a website collecting information together to bust the myths about immigration.


It has simply collated the evidence together, look at the reports and criticise them if you think they don't look credible.

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Its funny how you can't back that up this time.


I did back it up. People can google the original post and see what sites were running with it before you posted it. I found 2 running the story with very similar wording. The derby patriot site, which helpfully pointed out that what was said had been misheard and there was no mention of the BNP. The other was Stormfront.


So you were either using Stormfront or you were deliberately misleading us.

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