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I am quite open to being persuaded that immigration is good


I'm neither saying that it is good nor bad.


All I am saying, is that working class people in the UK in 2010, face real problems and while some of them are distracted into petty bickering with other working class people (who most immigrants are) about limited resources, then nothing will ever change.


I want more houses, education and health resources for everyone. You seem to be content with accepting the crumbs off the table of our elders and betters, just as long as the white folk get first pick.


Meanwhile the fatcats sit there, smiling down on us, watching us bicker. Safe in the knowledge that a divided working-class will never be a threat to them or their position.


John X

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Let's get away from the politics for a moment and look at things like happiness, aspirations, personality and character.


You. Small minded, insecure, fearful, bitter, resentful, easily led by newspaper headlines and quick to believe 'facts' that are nothing more than lies from people with an agenda. You only feel safe in your 'all white' ghetto with white faces around you. :(

Me. Open minded, well travelled, curious, balanced, enquiring, comfortable, happy in my own and all kinds of different company, welcoming of difference and diversity. I have close friends of all races, creeds and colours :)


Sad is the very last thing I am!


John X


I have a hunch you're having a go at the wrong person. DragonofAna comes across as being very typical rather than some far right bigot. It's people like her (him?) that the folk with sensible views need to bring around with some clear action. It's people like her (him?) that feel let down. Shouting at her (him?) won't do anything apart from reinforce any prejudice.


Apologies if I'm making assumptions on anyone's part with the above.

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I have a hunch you're having a go at the wrong person. DragonofAna comes across as being very typical rather than some far right bigot. It's people like her (him?) that the folk with sensible views need to bring around with some clear action. It's people like her (him?) that feel let down. Shouting at her (him?) won't do anything apart from reinforce any prejudice.


Apologies if I'm making assumptions on anyone's part with the above.


I totally agree with you and if you look at my posts, you'll see that that is what I generally do.


I wouldn't waste my time on trying to engage with a right-wing bigot other than to make them look stupid in front of the sensible people they are trying to fool.


I know some people are concerned about immigration but I will not deal with that like the cowards of the Labour, Liberal and Conservative parties who suddenly try to 'out BNP', the BNP by attacking immigrants.


1. We do not have 'mass' immigration to the UK.


2. We do not have an 'open doors' policy on immigration. In fact we have some of the strictest border controls in the whole of Europe.


3. Immigration into the UK has been steadily declining since a high in 2006, so talk of a 'rollercoaster of immigration running out of control' is both untrue and malicious.


We have real problems with provision of all kinds of resources but local, working-class campaigns to press for improvement have definitely been undermined by the outright lie that 'the immigrants get everything'.


John X

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I totally agree with you and if you look at my posts, you'll see that that is what I generally do.


I wouldn't waste my time on trying to engage with a right-wing bigot other than to make them look stupid in front of the sensible people they are trying to fool.


I know some people are concerned about immigration but I will not deal with that like the cowards of the Labour, Liberal and Conservative parties who suddenly try to 'out BNP', the BNP by attacking immigrants.


1. We do not have 'mass' immigration to the UK.


2. We do not have an 'open doors' policy on immigration. In fact we have some of the strictest border controls in the whole of Europe.


3. Immigration into the UK has been steadily declining since a high in 2006, so talk of a 'rollercoaster of immigration running out of control' is both untrue and malicious.


We have real problems with provision of all kinds of resources but local, working-class campaigns to press for improvement have definitely been undermined by the outright lie that 'the immigrants get everything'.


John X


Well show us the facts and figures to back up your claims. Not too difficult a thing to ask for is it? Or perhaps it is.


You seem to state there is good solid believable information to show that immigration into Britain is not a problem at all. Share.


You are quick to sum people up who disagree with your point of view. Sort of expected really.


I certainly do not hide the fact that currently I am heading in the direction of voting BNP. Your rants and accusations when you know nothing about me do nothing at all to deter me. I can see such on ever thread on here where anyone dares mention the BNP. Same old same old from the same anti-bigot bigots.

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Well show us the facts and figures to back up your claims. Not too difficult a thing to ask for is it? Or perhaps it is.


You seem to state there is good solid believable information to show that immigration into Britain is not a problem at all. Share.


You are quick to sum people up who disagree with your point of view. Sort of expected really.


I certainly do not hide the fact that currently I am heading in the direction of voting BNP. Your rants and accusations when you know nothing about me do nothing at all to deter me. I can see such on ever thread on here where anyone dares mention the BNP. Same old same old from the same anti-bigot bigots.


Were you aware that they have strong links with the KKK?

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Were you aware that they have strong links with the KKK?


No, but I could have guessed that such a claim would be made. As I said - I am interested in the facts rather than handed down stories and unsubstantiated claims.


I accept that there are members of the BNP who are not what I would call very nice people.


I base my opinions on the manifesto about what their intentions are - just like people who vote for any of the other parties. I have looked at those for labour, conservatives, lib dems, and the waste of space parties and from what I have seen in the manifestos so far I like the BNP one the most.


Are you saying I should vote on what stories people tell rather than what they say in their manifestos? How is anyone to choose anything if this is the case?

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No, but I could have guessed that such a claim would be made. As I said - I am interested in the facts rather than handed down stories and unsubstantiated claims.


I accept that there are members of the BNP who are not what I would call very nice people.


I base my opinions on the manifesto about what their intentions are - just like people who vote for any of the other parties. I have looked at those for labour, conservatives, lib dems, and the waste of space parties and from what I have seen in the manifestos so far I like the BNP one the most.


Are you saying I should vote on what stories people tell rather than what they say in their manifestos? How is anyone to choose anything if this is the case?


Would you like to look at some evidence?

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No, but I could have guessed that such a claim would be made. As I said - I am interested in the facts rather than handed down stories and unsubstantiated claims.


I accept that there are members of the BNP who are not what I would call very nice people.


I base my opinions on the manifesto about what their intentions are - just like people who vote for any of the other parties. I have looked at those for labour, conservatives, lib dems, and the waste of space parties and from what I have seen in the manifestos so far I like the BNP one the most.


Are you saying I should vote on what stories people tell rather than what they say in their manifestos? How is anyone to choose anything if this is the case?


You favour an all white Britain then?

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Would you like to look at some evidence?


It would be interesting but would probably not change things at present. I imagine that my ancestors, along with many other people's ancestors, were guilty of slavery. Does that make me a slaver? As I said - I have based on the manifesto, and we know how reliable those are.


I would like to see evidence for the other claims made in support of immigration, and not from an Iloveimmigration web site. Not saying they are bias or anything.


I would like a party other than the BNP that at least gives me some reassurances concerning immigration and jobs - but all I see is more of the same old waffle waffle waffle.


We know the BNP are not likely to get elected, but if enough people vote for them it may force the other parties to seriously think.

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