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Cortisone injections

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Works for some people not others.


I've had cortisone injection in wrist and big toe.


They gave me a local anaesthetic for the wrist injection. When that wore off, it blummin hurt for days. Injection in toe was even worse pain. Thinking about it makes me feel sick.


TENS also hit and miss. Works for some people but not others. Pain Management clinic at Northern General lets people trial them apparently rather than forking out money if it's not suitable.


If you go for injection, hope you are one of the people it works for, 'cos I wouldn't want to inflict the pain I had on anyone.


p.s My OH thinks I'm a big wuss, but he didn't have to suffer the pain!

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I have had both shoulders injected both painful. Didn't really relieve my pain and symptoms and then had them both operated on. One shoulder is just as bad as before all the messing about with it. Pain killers don't touch it etc

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