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Should smelly people be banned?

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Having a sniff around the bus this morning I must say I was very disappointed. This dude sat next to me and he smelt like a cooked fart. I thought, fair enough, gust if you must, but alas, after 5 minutes it had not drifted - that was actually his permanent smell. I wanted to feel sorry for him, I really did, but I just felt so angry. Stop being smelly!


Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not one of these people who gags at so much as a faint whiff of sweat (in fact there is nothing sweeter than the natural scent of a woman's skin after a run on a hot day :love:), but some people smell so mother <removed> bad that I get the feeling if you sprayed them with Fabreze, they would just disappear. THEY ARE the bad smell, and the Fabreze particles would understandably have to make a judgement call on what exactly to eliminate.


Incidentally, no party has this issue in their manifesto. Time for direct action. Bum wind is a necessary evil, but I cannot and will not tolerate people who just sit their smelling for no good reason.


This was a party political broadcast by the Nose Liberation Front.

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lol, its the sunshine....it changes the scent molecules im sure.


i seemed to be accosted by smelly people yesterday...i walked past one man in the in the interchange yesterday and ended up drying heaving and trying to hold back my gag reflex! :gag:


then i got the bus in leeds later in the afternoon and there was a similar incident on the bus, although thankfully this man was not quite so pungent.


now as a smoker, i do not claim to be the sweetest smelling person every, but i do regularly febreeze my coat between dry cleanings and wash myself and my clothes on a very regular basis....which seems to be a good start!




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You have my vote. There are two guys who regularly get the bus from Chesterfield to Sheffield - I can only best describe them as a pair of hiking tramps. Occasionally they get on the bus back the same time as me and boy they honk to high Heaven. The other thing that knocks me dead in the morning is bad breath. Loads of people seem to get on the bus without cleaning their teeth - Dog Breath City. Barf.

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i think people who smell from their clothes , to their hair etc etc should be given a smelly people public transport service.... the amount of times i have to move seat due to some scruffy barstweards smell is unbelievable !! It is disgusting & there is no absolutely no need for it !! You can get a bar of soap for pennies :|

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Yep, ban the smellys, they obviously have no respect for themselves or the noses of others. I despair of customers coming into the shop and polluting MY WORKING AIR QUALITY with their rancid stench, if the government can put a smoking ban into place surely the next obvious ban would be the smelly people.



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We just have to be careful about where we draw the line. For example, making them live in the sewer = bit harsh, but giving them their own transport = like it.


Then there's the people who have a genuine medical problem with odour and can't help but smell. How do we deal with them sensitively? Should they be treat differently to those who could smell pleasant, but refuse?

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now as a smoker, i do not claim to be the sweetest smelling person every, but i do regularly febreeze my coat between dry cleanings and wash myself and my clothes on a very regular basis....which seems to be a good start!


I've never been bothered by the smell of cigarette smoke TBH. It doesn't suffocate you like some other smells. However, I say that as a regular passive smoker who enjoys a good second hand smoke.

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