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Should smelly people be banned?

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We just have to be careful about where we draw the line. For example, making them live in the sewer = bit harsh, but giving them their own transport = like it.


Then there's the people who have a genuine medical problem with odour and can't help but smell. How do we deal with them sensitively? Should they be treat differently to those who could smell pleasant, but refuse?


They should be made to wear a chemical suit, just like the ones they wear in the armed forces. However, instead of being a subtle green, the suits should be orange. Just like the hideous fake tan brigade. I think that is as much sensitivity as I can spare for such people.

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They should be made to wear a chemical suit, just like the ones they wear in the armed forces. However, instead of being a subtle green, the suits should be orange. Just like the hideous fake tan brigade. I think that is as much sensitivity as I can spare for such people.


Tough on smell, tough on the causes of smell.


I hereby appoint you as my chief policy advisor.

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Originally posted by Epiphany


"Bum wind is a necessary evil"


Good call.


Should smelly people be banned?


Absolootly what!?


ALL Animals are equal. But some smelly animals are more equal than others.


What the heck?

It means....Love thy neighbour as thyself.............

or else.

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Down with stinkers!


Some simple tests to see if you are likely to smell.


Has anyone ever told you that you smell? It is common to harrass our fellow colleagues about various things that are not true! If no-one has ever told you that you smell it is likley because you do and they are too embarrased to joke about it.


Have you work colleagues taken to leaving cans of deoderant in the tea room? These may be for you!


Is your jacket a disctinctly different colour, texture or flavour than when you bought it? If yes, you may stink!


Do you wear your jacket for more than 3 hours a day (excluding travel time)? then you probably stink!


When did you last wash your jacket? If it has been a year or more, you probably are a stinker!

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Having a sniff around the bus this morning I must say I was very disappointed. This dude sat next to me and he smelt like a cooked fart. I thought, fair enough, gust if you must, but alas, after 5 minutes it had not drifted - that was actually his permanent smell. I wanted to feel sorry for him, I really did, but I just felt so angry. Stop being smelly!


Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not one of these people who gags at so much as a faint whiff of sweat (in fact there is nothing sweeter than the natural scent of a woman's skin after a run on a hot day :love:), but some people smell so mother <removed> bad that I get the feeling if you sprayed them with Fabreze, they would just disappear. THEY ARE the bad smell, and the Fabreze particles would understandably have to make a judgement call on what exactly to eliminate.


Incidentally, no party has this issue in their manifesto. Time for direct action. Bum wind is a necessary evil, but I cannot and will not tolerate people who just sit their smelling for no good reason.


This was a party political broadcast by the Nose Liberation Front.


Well this is a 2 way thing, they could think the exact same about you. But to make a point, they live with their smell all day long and become oblivious to it, sadly its a way of life. Try carrying one of these people in your vehicle, sometimes the smells that bad you feel you can taste it, winding the windows down only makes it worse, not fair on the others that are traveling to hospital with them. Allways keep plenty of air freshner in the vehicle to spray after they get out.

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I would also ban women who drench themselves with choking perfume, they are often the women with silly starched-looking hairdos. For heaven's sake, ease up on the stuff. It doesn't make you beautiful.


Me: a dab of WD40 behind each ear is just fine.

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I work with some right smelly people.

One guy comes into work to start a shift smelling like hes been eating poo and not discovered soap or shower gel or even bodyspray.

I asked him if clean was his weakness, you know like kryptonite is to superman?

He didnt see the funny side.

Smelly get!

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People who smoke weed. They smell vile. A guy regularly comes into the shop and I almost feel stoned myself when he's in :) Yuk! Also as he's so pungent and lingers long after he's left the premises, I'm sometimes a bit worried that people might think it's me having a crafty toke :D


And people who stink of last night's booze. It must ooze out of their pores or something ...


And men with smelly trainers ...


And why do smelly people always come so close to you? You move away a little and they come after you .... :help:

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I would also ban women who drench themselves with choking perfume, they are often the women with silly starched-looking hairdos. For heaven's sake, ease up on the stuff. It doesn't make you beautiful.


Me: a dab of WD40 behind each ear is just fine.


Don't forget the Medallion Men and Ali G types who often smell like they've bathed in Lynx or some other cheap deodorant.


It really is overpowering and lingers long after they've gone.

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