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Should smelly people be banned?

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im a chef and i often come home stinking of what ive cooked at work its mostly fried food i smell of tbh. im just glad i drive home so dont have to inflict it on others :) i do however use deoderant!
If you smell of fried food on the bus, do hungry people try to lick your face? :hihi:
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Yes ,as the smell of dried faeces emanating from the man wearing his slippers in the cue at Co-op is hardly conducive to to the enjoyment of the sandwich just bought and don't get me started on the crab paste odour of certain soap dodging 'ladies' in the University library.


Vile. :gag:

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If you smell of fried food on the bus, do hungry people try to lick your face? :hihi:



when i didnt have the car so had to get a bus i did get funny looks tbh. and if someone got on mith a dog it wouldnt leave me alone! it used to sit next to me and stare at me like it wanted to eat me! especially if i had to put the meat order away that day! :help:

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Down with stinkers!


Some simple tests to see if you are likely to smell.


Has anyone ever told you that you smell? It is common to harrass our fellow colleagues about various things that are not true! If no-one has ever told you that you smell it is likley because you do and they are too embarrased to joke about it.


Have you work colleagues taken to leaving cans of deoderant in the tea room? These may be for you!


Is your jacket a disctinctly different colour, texture or flavour than when you bought it? If yes, you may stink!


Do you wear your jacket for more than 3 hours a day (excluding travel time)? then you probably stink!


When did you last wash your jacket? If it has been a year or more, you probably are a stinker!


Good checklist.

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Having a sniff around the bus this morning I must say I was very disappointed. This dude sat next to me and he smelt like a cooked fart. I thought, fair enough, gust if you must, but alas, after 5 minutes it had not drifted - that was actually his permanent smell. I wanted to feel sorry for him, I really did, but I just felt so angry. Stop being smelly!


Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not one of these people who gags at so much as a faint whiff of sweat (in fact there is nothing sweeter than the natural scent of a woman's skin after a run on a hot day :love:), but some people smell so mother <removed> bad that I get the feeling if you sprayed them with Fabreze, they would just disappear. THEY ARE the bad smell, and the Fabreze particles would understandably have to make a judgement call on what exactly to eliminate.


Incidentally, no party has this issue in their manifesto. Time for direct action. Bum wind is a necessary evil, but I cannot and will not tolerate people who just sit their smelling for no good reason.


This was a party political broadcast by the Nose Liberation Front.



Yes, ban the pope.

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A bit of sweat I can live with. If you go to a gym you pretty well have to. However, we often meet friends in a pub in Dore. There are a couple of regulars in there who smell as though they left something in their pants several months ago. I would rather leave the pub than sit anywhere near, yet no one ever says anything.


Nearly as bad are the folks who have obviously lost their sense of smell and apply half a bottle of cheap perfume before they venture out. I walked past one in the supermarket a couple of days back and it made my eyes water.


Get in in the manifesto, and get my vote.

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People who smoke weed. They smell vile. A guy regularly comes into the shop and I almost feel stoned myself when he's in :) Yuk!


Have to disagree there. Whenever I get a whiff of Ms Jane I drool uncontrollably. One of nature's most delicious aromas IMO.


Plus, if I smell it, I know they can probably sell it ;)

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Have to disagree there. Whenever I get a whiff of Ms Jane I drool uncontrollably. One of nature's most delicious aromas IMO.

One of the reasons people object to weed farms is the awful stench they produce. Honestly, people who smoke weed, stink! They smell worse than people who smoke ordinary fags. It smells as though they've been rolling around in compost. Sorry :)
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