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Should smelly people be banned?

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One of the reasons people object to weed farms is the awful stench they produce. Honestly, people who smoke weed, stink! They smell worse than people who smoke ordinary fags. It smells as though they've been rolling around in compost. Sorry :)


Don't apologise, it's your nose! I think you're talking about people who smoke it all day every day. All I know is when I do manage to get hold of some I love that freshly cut pungency, in the same way I love the smell of freshly cut grass (the other kind!). It's lovely in small doses.

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I'm in favour of banning smelly people, yes!


Can we include all people who smell of stale fried food, fags, weed, old lady perfume, and my least favourite of all Lynx!!! Lynx only seems to be used by teenage boys (or men who wish they were teenage boys) who think that the use of half a can of Lynx means they don't have to wash! They smell of really bad cheap deodorant and sweat!

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I was going to start a topic about this. I know somebody who has an odour problem. They are a lovely person, but unfortunatley smell quite bad most of the time, so I avoid being close to them. I wonder if they are used to it or that they have a bad sense of smell?

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I was going to start a topic about this. I know somebody who has an odour problem. They are a lovely person, but unfortunatley smell quite bad most of the time, so I avoid being close to them. I wonder if they are used to it or that they have a bad sense of smell?


I'm aware of people with genuine odour problems which is why we in the Nose Liberation Front propose zero tax, free housing and a living wage for all who can present medical proof of their condition. There will also be special transport services set up for the odourly challenged. This is to compensate for the negative feelings towards ALL smelly people that will inevitably arise from our public awareness campaigns, although we will do our best to help the public distinguish between the two types of smelly person.


All other smelly people will be banned.

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As a regular tram/bus user with an ultra sensitive nose - on with the ban! Yesterday's alcohol oozing out of every pore, clothes that haven't been changed or washed since Adam was a lad, body odours from lack of soap and water (clean honest sweat is fine btw) and manky breath. And some of those strange aromas from around the nether regions. Oh the joy! :gag: Not forgetting the ones who smell of dirty house, or who've been smoking in a cupboard for a week!

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